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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. I just moved the YA posts to classic thread. Any topics not on numbers should be talked about there.
  2. NooooThis is not 50 shades :lol:It's about society in the future, it's a sci-fi thriller.
  3. I'm honestly not surprised about the giver's number. There has been no WOM for this. I haven't seen that much advertising or buzz at all.
  4. I always go big with my predictions B)Now. Sometimes it makes me look cool.Other times I get bitch slapped by them I'm not going to stop though. That's why I like predicting. All in fun.
  5. They are, I just pretty much took some of my predicts and upped them or downed them a bit to make them bold. I like living life on the edge B)We do this every year guys. Raise your hands and tell me which one of you thought Maleficent would gross 240M?Hmm.....In terms of OW, I'm sure there were doubters of GOTG or even Godzilla hitting 90M+ OW. Most like me though Dragons 2 was going to open to huge heights, look there......There are always upsets.
  6. So we're to assume that every fast movie they make is going to increase more than the one before it? So I assume then by the time they make Fast 15 we'll be talking about a 190M OW:lol:
  7. Boy. Seems like my list has caused some heads to turn. I put some big movies in there and put some down, going outside the box a bit, but also some that I think could hapen. I don't like making cliche lists.
  8. See, I really think Star Wars being a cultural phenomenon will attract the GA, even those that aren't huge SW fans just because it'll be hyped up as the "must see thing" since most people will be seeing it. Unlike Godzilla, SW doesn't need excellent marketing campaigns or trailers (although obviously that would help). The name itself is going to sell. And let's not forget who is dishing this out, Disney. If Disney can sell to the GA GOTG, a movie from which not many except for the diehards have heard from, then I think they can sell SW to unlimited heights. Let's put this into perspective. Let's say 10-15 years from now, what if by some possible means (I know this case scenario is highly unrealistic but bare with me) either Disney or some other big corporation were to buy the rights and name of Harry Potter and decide to extend that series past the last book and have the same old cast come back, but he main stars be of their kids..... Don't you think that would sell out like crazy? Harry Potter, like Star Wars, was a huge phenomenon, even more so WW. Same applies here to SW.
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