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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Seriously, what's taking so long with these numbers? Are they trying to fudge it up to look pretty?
  2. I too feel the same way. Lord Nolan will be powerful........powerfully at 60M.......
  3. Lord Nolan will lift the box office up from the ground for sure.The Queen will however rise it to greatness.
  4. Okay! Back on topic then......So..............transformers 4 sucks.........it's shitty......it's so bad......Um........Okay back to the derailments!
  5. I just feel that GA is tired of these movies. Plus, at almost 3 hours (of crap), that's going to take away from how many showings it can gave, plus people who want to actually sit that long and watch it.....
  6. If T4 does only 90-95M, then to me it's not even touching 250M then. More like 220-230M.
  7. Keep dreaming boys. Reality is gonna smack you hard in the face And pooping isn't the problem. It's when when you've just drank a large coffee after eating breakfast......metabolism starts churning.......yup, nothing good happens there
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