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Everything posted by JCS

  1. I still thought 2013 admissions would finish higher than the amazing 2012 admission numbers though. 2012 had Euros and Olympics which led to a weak summer.
  2. Bit of a fail this one, even Epic looks like it will do better!
  3. I suppose. Maybe the prequel factor hurt it.
  4. Its gone past many other Pixar films...
  5. Yeah, would never choose to go back to that cinema. That sucks about JP, saw it again recently - what a film and would be cool to see in 3D at the BFI!
  6. Yes, pretty horrid cinema. Been there for free previews a couple of times and escalators everywhere!
  7. MUs multiplier is massive from OW. Yes, 1D will be massive OD and OW and will hopefully be banished from cinemas soon after!
  8. Star Trek was not, and still is not, a big franchise OS but Smurfs was so this is the Smurfs thread so we talk about it's poor OS gross. I don't really care about Star Trek if it does good or bad.
  9. It's gross DOM and especially OS gross are very poor and disappointing as a sequel following the wildly successful Smurfs, yes. No need to mention Star Trek, just talking about Smurfs 2 as a sequel.
  10. Why compare Smurfs 2 and Star Trek 2? Smurfs 2 is failing on its own terms like it deserves to.
  11. Can't believe how bad this is doing OS as a sequel to the HUGE Smurfs film. I know Smurfs was crap but I thought this would at least get close, if not make more, OS as it is a sequel and animated films are more immune to bad ratings/reviews.
  12. Decent gross for Elysium there! 4-day weekend though so more big numbers will come in for Monday which will be like another Sunday.
  13. Made too much $$$... seriously? Studio: "We want to make a another sequel but we are worried that DM2 just made too much money for us and we are afraid DM3 might not make as much" Minions: Watch them first...
  14. Indeed it has, but I can still compare. Definitely average indeed, cant believe much better animations never got close to its OS gross (such as DM2).
  15. Its had great legs here and a solid gross!
  16. Great gross but every time I think about it, I remember the fact that Ice Age 4 made $715M just OS which makes DM2 gross look bad.
  17. Yeah, one of those may do it but can't really see it to be honest. Hobbit 2 may decrease even I feel.
  18. Weird how still no film has surpassed £50M at the BO by the end of August. Wonder if we will even get one to pass that mark this year, seems to be the year of mid-range hits and no massive films like last year.
  19. Going away for around 9 weeks, hope the UK BO stays strong whilst I contribute to the BO in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.
  20. It wont keep dropping 50/55% from now on...bigger drops every weekend.
  21. Ahh, OS cume is now $91.1M... so only $42.7M grossed since last weekend. LOL.
  22. So how much has this plummeted this weekend...
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