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Posts posted by JCS

  1. http://www.bfi.org.u...arbook-2011.pdfAbsolutely excellent, extremely in-depth article about the UK Box-office + loads of other film related topics, although, it's only up to 2010. It has an adjusted for inflation list too, which is quite interesting.

    Yeah, BFI do have some great stuff! Though there is a new 2012 version out a few weeks ago.

    http://www.bfi.org.u...alyearbook2012/up to 2011 browseable online

    I posted this back in July. ;)http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/281-uk-box-office-thread-ted-172m-total-tdkr-463m/page__st__2200#entry400374
  2. Now the Olympics are over, no more weak weekends or weekdays for the rest of the summer hopefully!Big numbers this week with 3 new films. Brave should win as it is family friendly and has better reviews than Bourne reboot (which personally I was disappointed with when I saw a Sunday preview).

  3. Actually beating IA3 OS is not only possible ATM, but also likely.

    Being optimistic and I hope you are right! Come on IA4!

    That was the time when japanese people were smart enough to avoid films like the ice age series, but now they are starting to like these repetitive franchises (madagascar)

    Perhaps, but not worth the release I guess. Still, it is already a monster OS, so Japan is not needed.
  4. I think it'll beat the $690m OS total but the WW will fall short due to the lackluster Domestic numbers,

    Hope it beats IA3 OS, that would be amazing. But I can see it running out of steam at around $675M OS so not quite beating IA3.I bet they still make IA5 as a final one as it makes so much OS, Domestic hardly matters. Though they should end the franchise here and move on to a new project.
  5. Yeah big drops for TDKR, Ted...etc this weekend probably, but as Jonwo said, weekdays make up for it during summer and legs will be stronger as people will see films later on in the run, especially now the Olympics have ended.This week (Monday here now) will be crazy. Bourne, Expendables 2, Brave all opening and Ted, TDKR and IA4 still strong.

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