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Posts posted by JCS

  1. What I meant is FOTR had more admissions in UK than ROTK. It's not necessary a wide epic movie to get incredible grosses. I don't know what has been the inflation in the last 10 years, but asuming a 20% (2% per year), the 3 LOTR movies would adjust to about 70-75 million pounds (without 3D). With 3D (adding another 15%) it would be around 80 million pounds each. I know it's difficult TH can reach that (different times with a logical drop in attendance), but the potential is enormous.

    Yes indeed. I said it should do at LEAST £60M with 3D and coming off the epic LOTR trilogy. And it could go higher to £70M/£80M depending on WOM.
  2. I asume it will be hard, but I think it's possible. What are you expecting in UK for TH1? I was thinking in 115-125. I'm seeing Pound has dropped a 3-4% since July 2011 (DH2 release), and about a 12% since ROTK release. ROTK grossed 106 million. With the new exchange it would have been about 93 million. Then we should add inflation (15%? 20%?) and 3D (again, 15%? 20%?), and substract a logical drop in attendance from what LOTR did. I think it's reachable.

    I was thinking more conservative, around $100M gross in the UK as it is the first film and not like ROTK which was the epic finale to a loved trilogy.It will be clearer closer to release, seems so far off now.
  3. I thought it would open on Friday.

    Ted opens tomorrow here in the UK. Sometimes films open on the Wednesday but you are right that Friday is the normal day for new releases.I feel Ted will be huge too (like in Australia) but not sure it can match the Inbetweeners as it is not British.
  4. That's great for TDKR! With holidays for a month it should definitely reach £50m and possibly beat TA.

    I hope so! I have already contributed twice to the TDKR gross and possibly more times! Every little helps. ;)

    Just checked TDK's gross and it was only £48.7m, but converted to $89m. That exchange rate has gone completely into the shitter over the last 4 years, hasn't it? :(

    It changed a lot even during 2008. TDK beat QoS in dollars, but lost in pounds. It will be the same story with TDKR.

    Indeed, TDKR should beat TDK in £ but won't get close in $ due to exchange rate changes since 2008.However, the Yen-$ exchange rate has improved since 2008 so worldwide it probably balances out amongst other currencies and exchange rates.
  5. Only 21% drop, not bad. The projected Sunday drop was too optimistic.The Sunday is 83.7% of TDK. If it follows TDK exactly from here on, it will finish with 469M. That is the high end.The Sunday is also 135.6% of DH2. If it follows DH2 exactly from here on, it will finish with 433M. That is the low end.So expecting a finish in 450M region.

    $450M finish will be good all things considered! I hope it reaches that and it will pass $1B WW.
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