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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. what if they can make MCU movies for 10 million or cheaper and they just make up the 200 budget to own the property that sits in 4,000 theaters
  2. what happened to Katniss being the favorite and on the highest pedestal?? what happened to The Prodigy being a special bonding failure to launch movie? *Alita roller-skating away with a sad face*
  3. promises - not giving up on someone's addiction
  4. I think it's a really stupid name. I hope everyone mocks it forever. I think it has to do something with the amount of Christians and Catholics
  5. do we get our share into the movies by ragging on people and society?
  6. i'm knocking back A History of Violence just for you guys 7 am dr pepper, bowls, and hopefully back to bed. worst idea ever!!! it'll be updated after the countdown. (i'll try to get in Akira too! & the Spirited Away director if it's comic book adaptation and not a novel) **finished A History of Violence. they always act different in the timely period films, but then they end up acting the same in real life. its hard to relate to for that to give it an A-, but for a monster movie mashup, Thoroughbreds vs A History of Violence in the B+ strength category 87,88,89 is a recommended guide. no other way to discover that relation with that many movies. dvd combo packs suck.
  7. @The Panda did you get the list I turned in a few hours past midnight? I made Captain Marvel my favorite MCU and if it didn't get counted, then it would have like an extra x amount of points. and maybe been revealed this morning?
  8. scary think tank getting A History of Violence that high.. the same think tank that favors/employs Glenn Close at the Academy Awards in 2019? adding the vegan menu to selective power lists on timely dates?
  9. ughh, it won't flatten out or push back in. it got worse this week. I feel like I have to wash it out now everytime it hurts to the touch. I need some serious help with this. The only thing is, people follow me around outside. Mindhunters that don't have the same mind as me. This ^^ would be a great suicide note if I would just die and this was left behind. I am going to run into so much prejudice and heckling. even at home, they leave stuff around. i'm really worried this is cancerous. why won't idiots just go away?
  10. they just don't have time for it. they are in mourning every day preparing for the afterlife. there is a lot of business and real stuff going on.
  11. ughh, i'm afraid i'm gonna have to have surgery on my asshole. it feels like a lump and its like the computer wants to say its some kind of hemorrhoid, but it could be like a rectal prolapse. maybe I should have gotten it looked at sooner. i'm afraid to go in and have them tell me its going to require surgery. there is so much pressure in that area. everything is squeezed together so tight, and then this bulge, it feels broken. I don't want to deal with doctors with this one either. I went to a psychologist for a meeting and the place felt wired. Don't ask don't tell right? Now i'm risking cancer because of what is outside. My choice.
  12. no more adventures r2, we are not going that way
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