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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. I just find it so hilarious that people are just as angry about AOU including so much civilian saving as they are about MOS having so much needless destruction and civilian death. I say to play it safe superhero movies should probably just cut civilians altogether
  2. Anyone have an idea what Avatar's ticket sales were really like? Just curious since it was pretty much 101% 3D tickets and most of them were especially expensive 3D tickets
  3. TBH not sure if I've given a review for this one already or not but all I have to say is it was the best movie I've seen this year. Probably better then anything I saw last year either.
  4. Also holy crap at that JW number. Honestly can't believe it's falling less then 50% from it's OW. Holding BETTER then Avengers off of already massive weekdays.
  5. Well i feel like checking out the Pixar documentary now so imma go do that and I'll check back later
  6. Kingsman - A- Insurgent - D+ Avengers: AOU - B Jurassic World - B+/A- Inside Out - A That's all I can remember right now
  7. "Mortdecai" would also be an acceptable term "That movie is such a Mortdecai!" "Wow that film really Mortdecai'd at the box office" and so on
  8. This year has had a lot of massive hits but I think it's also had more anti-hits then I've seen before. Like films that had like 2-3M openings. Just absolutely awful openings.
  9. Lol pretty much what the movie was about: Dinosaurs fighting Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs fighting people. People freaking out as dinosaurs kill people. The visuals helped a lot too. I liked the environments and the setting they created. It was just a nice change from what the last few JP movies were but still managed to roll with the same idea as the other ones. Plus I'm always a sucker for putting nostalgic callbacks to older entries in franchises =P
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