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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. idk personally I just found the film fun to watch. Sure there were some problems and some things that didn't make sense but it was just very entertaining to me Plus:
  2. I have an addiction to popcorn. I own a popcorn machine so I eat it a lot even when I'm not going to movies XD
  3. REALLY good movie. Was (obviously) very emotional. I was surprised by how adult it was though. Even by Pixar standards. I'd barely even consider it a kid's film. The only thing really kids-related about it was it's very colourful visuals.
  4. Ended up seeing IO sooner then I thought. It was really good. Probably one of Pixar's best imo
  5. Product placement is the logical next step for advertising. Advertisers thought for a long time that the best way to get there product out there was to get as many ads as possible wherever possible. This worked for a while but the number of ads just kept rising and rising and with the internet that number exploded. Truth is nowadays people from younger generations myself included are significantly more desensitized to traditional advertisements in general. Most ads that pop up I can't even tell you what they are I close them without even noticing. Likewise with video ads it's almost physically impossible for them to convince me to buy their product as I just do not care nor do I trust a word they say. Ironically the belief that maximum exposure for ads was the best way led them to being less effective overall and meant that in order to account for this ad numbers would need to be exponentially raised. When that doesn't work we're left with product placement. Slipping in references to popular brands and companies so that you subconsciously remember them.
  6. Coming from someone who enjoyed JW I'll admit the characters were one of the weaker parts of the movie. I didn't hate them or despise them or anything though they just weren't particularly memorable or interesting
  7. K i'm going to try to do some math here so everyone gather as I fail at that. So TDK adjusts to 604M and JW is about 48% 3D Share on OW. Let's assume that the DOM total will have that same share. The average ticket price according to BOM is 8.12$ so that puts TDK ticket sales at around 74-74.5M If JW sells that same amount of tickets with 48% 3D share that means it'll sell 35.76M in 3D and 38.74M in non-3D. 3D is usually about 2$ higher then regular showings so 35.76x10.12 = 361.9M and 38.74x8.12 = 314.6M if we add that up we get 676.6M so JW would have to be higher then that to pass TDK in admissions. I'm also bad at math though so this could all be complete gibberish
  8. I'd rather not see a film about the two kids slowly getting deeper into the restricted area under the logic that "We ignored the last 80 signs we might as well keep going!"
  9. couldn't help but notice you have 19,999 posts. You should do something special. Have balloons. Maybe some confetti. I can bring the cake.
  10. I agree she was more of a focus in the movie but who the lead is ultimately comes down to who get's star billing. It happens a lot where someone clearly is the focus character but still ends up losing the "lead" spot to a larger name in the film
  11. Out. Don't think it can go that high personally. I've always thought that the original Reign of Chaos - Frozen Throne storyline would be perfect to show in movie-form and I especially have always wanted to see Arthas brought to the big screen. That said there is such a high chance in my mind that movie could be a failure that I can't have much confidence
  12. I think there is potential for minions to grow over DM2. I mean it certainly isn't losing anything by removing the primary characters since people pretty much only cared about the minions. Not saying it's a lock but I get the feeling there is still room to grow with the franchise that could take minions to a higher level
  13. T-rex at the end was so obnoxious for thinking he was now the king of the dinosaurs for helping kill the I-Rex. If that was the qualifications for ruling it should have been at least a Council including the T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Mosasaurus. This movie was meant to show the sad fact that Dinosaur politics is highly biased towards larger creatures and that this racism should not be tolerated. Shame
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