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Heat Vision

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Everything posted by Heat Vision

  1. Is just a Q&A. Is simply answering yes or no to some questions and not revealing the big parts. No way I'll read a full summary for the finale..
  2. Rosita needs more development. She is the only female character that hasn't gotten an arc or part of an episode. Sasha's development has been great but I question her characters future because I hope we get to see some Abraham kickass moment in the finale and Michone picking up her sword again. I also like how the group lets out some steam against the walkers. Rick & Carl by the house, Abraham in the construction site and the girls in the last episode. Sasha seems to have the right idea. Hunt walkers until there is no more.
  3. What we saw in the previews will probably happen early in the episode. Also Rick saying "They will hunt us". I'm guessing Aaron anf Daryl make it back and warns them about the Wolves.
  4. The finale is 90 minutes so they might leave all of it for it. I think they will build the Rick/Pete ending a bit more.
  5. Barry captured Weather Wizard because he knew his location this time and that changed time.
  6. I hate Iris in this show. She comes across as the girl that thinks she should have it all and get away with anything cause she is pretty.
  7. Carlos Valdez acting was amazing. It actually made me feel how heartbroken Cisco was.
  8. Cisco won't find out about Wells since Barry changed time. I wonder if he will become Vibe at some point.
  9. Just like that they bring Barry/Iris back. I actually enjoy Barry/Linda.
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