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The Movie Man

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Everything posted by The Movie Man

  1. Might be in as just watched 500, and I know all of the above movies that are going in round 2! Also, here is a listed of some actors you should use to pick some movies - if you want, I could also do an older list, as this one is mostly from the 50s to the 70s.... Who are the Best Movie Stars Listed Here of Yesterday? [*]Clint Eastwood [*]Morgan Freeman [*]Charles Laughton [*]Robert DeNiro [*]Al Pacino [*]Jack Nicholson [*]Marlon Brando [*]Paul Newman [*]Dustin Hoffman [*]Peter Sellers [*]Gene Hackman [*]Robert DuVall [*]John Wayne [*]Anthony Quinn [*]Michael Caine [*]Sean Connery [*]Peter O'Toole [*]Harrison Ford [*]Robert Redford [*]Steve McQueen
  2. To me, he has been likable for 10 years, or at least from The Italian Job, as Handsome Rob.
  3. From IMDB > Well trained in Mixed Martial Arts and is an expert in Kickboxing.Personally, I don't think you get too high up in these professions without doing alot of fighting, at some levels. I mean, he sure didn't kickbox against himself. LOL!
  4. Glad someone other than me of course brought up Coulture and Crews. Instead of just Dolph, especially consideing Dolphins was a loser and a traitor in the first movie.
  5. I agree that the new stars added a definite fun factor....and most here agreed that they like #2.... A(9 votes [52.94%] - View) Percentage of vote: 52.94% [*]B(5 votes [29.41%] - View) Percentage of vote: 29.41% [*]C(3 votes [17.65%] - View) Percentage of vote: 17.65% [*]D (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]F (0 votes [0.00%])
  6. Just watched the frist movie, and truthfully I am wondering if alot of you even remember it!* Statham > Jet LI - as a matter of fact, Statham was the star of tthe first movie.* To the ones who complained about Jet LI and Dolph getting shortchanged, what about Randy Corture and Crews? As Randy easily over Dolph, as he kicked the shit out of Steve Austin, that Stallone wasn't even doing....and Crews had the Chuck Norris part in the first movie...saving the day unexpectedly with the big gun.* And on Dolph, he had 1 average fight scene in the first movie, so I don't know why he would he this great fighter in #2.* And Dolph was really a jerk in 1 - being a jerk in the beginning, where he tried to hang the pirate, and then a traitor in the middle, who luckily didn't get a bullet in the head....And since he was such a head case, they never should have taken him back on the team. Especially since, if Stallone didn't stop him he would have killed Jet Li twice, in the beginning and the middle.* Lastly, thinking about the new stars in #2, the only way that they would have come on, if they were promised some good time and shots, so if the others got these extras you guys wanted them to get....then they should have just continued with the same team from 1...and not bring in any others...which wouldn't have been right. IMO.PS. Just notice, how much the plot of this came from the Magnificent Seven, at least or maybe others before it. (The Seven Samurai?)
  7. Wow, Thinks for the votes guys, I didn't realize that their were so many more votes. As I stop checking after someone copied this and started another thread. But he didn't even include all the choices like Bourne and Spiderman..... Poll: Best Movies Series! 2 Different Polls! (28 member(s) have cast votes) Best Movie Series! Poll #1 Pick Best of these 3 Series. [*]LOTR - Fellowship - Towers - King (8 votes [30.77%]) Percentage of vote: 30.77% [*]S/W OT - Star Wars - Empire - Jedi (8 votes [30.77%]) Percentage of vote: 30.77% [*]TDK - Begins - Dark Knight - D/K Rises (10 votes [38.46%]) Percentage of vote: 38.46% Which of these do you consider great movies series. Pick as many as you want! [*]Bourne Series (11 votes [7.91%]) Percentage of vote: 7.91% [*]James Bond Series (9 votes [6.47%]) Percentage of vote: 6.47% [*]Indiana Jones Series (12 votes [8.63%]) Percentage of vote: 8.63% [*]Harry Potter Series (9 votes [6.47%]) Percentage of vote: 6.47% [*]Toy Story Series (18 votes [12.95%]) Percentage of vote: 12.95% [*]Lord of the Ring Series (19 votes [13.67%]) Percentage of vote: 13.67% [*]The Dark Knight Series (21 votes [15.11%]) Percentage of vote: 15.11% [*]Die Hard Series (6 votes [4.32%]) Percentage of vote: 4.32% [*]Ocean Series (1 votes [0.72%]) Percentage of vote: 0.72% [*]Matrix Series (4 votes [2.88%]) Percentage of vote: 2.88% [*]Star Wars - 1st 3 Movies - Star Wars - Empire - Jedi (14 votes [10.07%]) Percentage of vote: 10.07% [*]Star Wars - 2nd 3 Movies (4 votes [2.88%]) Percentage of vote: 2.88% [*]Twilight Series (2 votes [1.44%]) Percentage of vote: 1.44% [*]THE GODFATHER SERIES - ADDED LATE (7 votes [5.04%]) Percentage of vote: 5.04% [*]SPIDERMAN SERIES - ADDED LATE (2 votes [1.44%]) Percentage of vote: 1.44% BEST MOVIE SERIES - NEW POLL WITH THE GODFATHER! [*]THE GODFATHER SERIES (4 votes [36.36%]) Percentage of vote: 36.36% [*]LOTR - Fellowship - Towers - King (4 votes [36.36%]) Percentage of vote: 36.36% [*]TDK - Begins - Dark Knight - D/K Rises (3 votes [27.27%])
  8. OK, Took the Top 9 - and added Clint for Poll #2 Pick 1 - Best of these 10 - Semi-Finalists [*]Al Pacino (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Clint Eastwood (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Dustin Hoffman (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Gene Hackman (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Harrison Ford (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Jack Nicholson (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Morgan Freeman (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Paul Newman (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Robert Deniro (0 votes [0.00%]) Percentage of vote: 0.00% [*]Sean Connery (0 votes [0.00%])
  9. OK, recap/comments after 7 - won't recap again to 12 or more - and set up a best of the best poll 2 BUT THIS IS A PRETTY GREAT POWER GROUP OF TOP 5! Harrison Ford (5 votes [9.62%]) Morgan Freeman (4 votes [7.69%]) Jack Nicholson (4 votes [7.69%]) Robert DeNiro (4 votes [7.69%]) Paul Newman (4 votes [7.69%]) Dustin Hoffman (3 votes [5.77%]) - Interesting he got more love than some of the lower onesSean Connery (3 votes [5.77%]) Gene Hackman (3 votes [5.77%]) Al Pacino (3 votes [5.77%]) Clint Eastwood (2 votes [3.85%]) - Can't believe some of these numbers - wonder if any fans of classic movies from the 60s Charles Laughton (1 votes [1.92%]) Marlon Brando (2 votes [3.85%]) Peter Sellers (2 votes [3.85%]) Robert DuVall (2 votes [3.85%]) John Wayne (1 votes [1.92%]) Anthony Quinn (1 votes [1.92%]) Michael Caine (2 votes [3.85%]) Peter O'Toole (2 votes [3.85%]) Robert Redford (2 votes [3.85%]) Steve McQueen (2 votes [3.85%])
  10. Perfection? Then you must not be happy with any movie...as are there really any perfect movies?
  11. Was thinking this was about beautiful scenery at first...but now I realized otherwise! BUT BEING A BIG MOVIE FAN I LOVE THIS TOPIC!Scenery or Otherwise (Mixed)* Dark City* Metropolis* The Wall* Tommy* Matrix Series* What Dreams May Come* Schlinder's List* The Lovely Bones* X-Men Series* The Sound of Music* Ben Hur* The Fourth Man* The Great Escape* Speed Racer (either you loved it or hated it)* Pan's Labyrinth* All That Jazz (It's ShowTime!)* House of Flying Daggers* Robocop* Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon* Eraserhead* Willa Wonka (the original)* The Lord of the Rings Series* Wizard of Oz* Alice in Wonderland* The Mask* Who Framed Roger Rabbit* Inception* Miller's Crossing* Young Sherlock Holmes* GremlinsFOR STARTERS AS I AM TIRED.....
  12. Also the 3 people who voted when it was only 1 pick should cancel their first vote and vote again.
  13. Bummer, Can't set a number so changed it to, who on the list do you consider worthy of being on this list of 20
  14. Watching Clint at the Convention, I started wondering....about some of the older actors...so for fun, pick 10 of the 20 choices, to get a good idea of who are the favorites of this group of 20. Edit - can't set a number of 20, so vote for who you think is worthy of being on this list of the greatest of yesterday! Comments OK Also if you want.... Who are the Best Movie Stars Listed Here of Yesterday? (10 out of 20 to get a good listing) [*]Clint Eastwood [*]Morgan Freeman [*]Charles Laughton [*]Robert DeNiro [*]Al Pacino [*]Jack Nicholson [*]Marlon Brando [*]Paul Newman [*]Dustin Hoffman [*]Peter Sellers [*]Gene Hackman [*]Robert DuVall [*]John Wayne [*]Anthony Quinn [*]Michael Caine [*]Sean Connery [*]Peter O'Toole [*]Harrison Ford [*]Robert Redford [*]Steve McQueen
  15. I have to watch the first one again, but I agree with you on the second; they did a good job. You just had to enjoy what was on screen.
  16. Taking someone points/comments and commenting on them is called a discussion or a debate. If you don't want that to happen, then you should take away the quote bar. Or are we all suppose to just say good things, when we quote other people. But that seems not very mature. IMO.
  17. Baumer, why don't you lose the attitude! Where did I imply you were idiots? Why cause I said LOL/Whatever. Which is pretty mild in my opinion! Compared to some punk, who called me a retard in another thread! And your a MOD? So I think you should do a comparision.Anyway, I was just giving my opinion, and that guy said, he would have been OK, if another did that did that. So again, I stand by Whatever. ( Let me know if I am not allowed to say that!, on this site)and for your review,.....see just giving my opinion!LOL/WHATEVER! As you would be fine if one character did it, but lame that another character did it.And again, all the extended new roles, needed some others cut - Maggie, Willis, Arnold, Norris.And Dolph, played to his character, like Crews, he wasn't needed for more!
  18. LOL/WHATEVER! As you would be fine if one character did it, but lame that another character did it.And again, all the extended new roles, needed some others cut - Maggie, Willis, Arnold, Norris.And Dolph, played to his character, like Crews, he wasn't needed for more!
  19. Wasn't the pilot's death, only to give River a bigger part, if there was a sequel. But the Preacher's death was interesting.PS. Talking about the Preacher, he must have had an interesting back-story - thinking of all his great scenes and comments from the tv series.
  20. Ok, I got alittle annoyed with him, as sometimes he was so stupid, but I will go with you. For example, he could have save himself from the first meeting, either by saying I am a cop, taking the envelope...or just arrestin gthe car, and locking in him his car, where he could take the envelope.That said, I hated the stupid point of the movie - no brakes, no stopping, just drive through NYC mid-town traffic.
  21. ? I thought Statham had plenty to do! ? Norris bailing them out was a running joke, and not lame - or do you think all action has to be lifelike - like Stallone could really drive the plane into the cave, and not have it blow up. Anyway, I thought the first scene where Norris took out like 50 guys and a tank was funny! ? On Arnold, same as above - he was basically making an appearance, with his built in jokes. ? On Jet Li - sorry but they gave him a great fight, and then either he or they decided to only have him make an appearance - so others could do more in the move. ? Dolph did enough in the movie - he didn't need to do anymore - or did you want him doing something extra, that you would be calling lame now?
  22. Really Bain had the machine and Bruce Wayne was bankrupt, so there was no way that Bain or Miranda were scared of Bruce/Batman! or they would have taken him earlier and not waited for him to come to them! They could have just walked up to the mansion!And then they could have gotten his finger-prints themselves!Etc, etc, etc.....
  23. Bain knew that Bruce was Batman, from almost the first hour of the movie, from Jim Gordon's letter and Bain had nothing to worrying about from when he bankrupted Bruce and got the machine. After that Bruce was meaningless to them...and again Bain could have just shown up and taken Bruce from the mansion. Miranda had nothing to do/offer from that minute on. And you are incorrect, he didn't show her the fusion reactor until after he was bankrupt.
  24. No big deal, I was just pointing it out, as once it is missed, no one thinks about it.Anyway, I don't mind reminding you, if it is missing, as I usually see 1 Friday night movie.
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