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Everything posted by #ED

  1. TDKR is expected to gross $4M today if Im not mistaken.I think its still a great run.
  2. We should all be upset at the fact that we´re not talking about EXP2 Opening day. The last interesting thing to hit the BO has been TDKR gross debate.
  3. Yes. No help at all from some lunatic killing 12 people. It was never going to beat Avengers gross but no one thought TDKR would have opened to 160M OW.No one.
  4. But they wont. Disney enjoys the extra $$$. Anyone would.But Nolan......(not a nolanite!)
  5. I dont see any 2D movie beating TDKR anytime soon.
  6. BTW, does anyone see any movie in the near future beating TDKR gross without 3D? No.
  7. I think it is fair to say TDKR lost 15-20M OW because of the shooting. Once that got hit, the movie did not match anyones high expectations. The Box Office has been hit and it will take months before we get back to normal.
  8. I think this proves that the box office has not been the same since the Aurora incident. There is no way anyone saw this opening below the 1st Expendables.
  9. Not with that opening. If anything the new smaller releases hit it.
  10. Is EXP 2 a bomb if it makes less than the 1st one?
  11. I'm not buying this 12M garbage. Don't believe it.
  12. Baumer is pretty good at this box office stuff.Why do we insist on believing early reports? When was the last time they were true?
  13. How long does the average movie stay in theaters for? The same as "blockbusters"?
  14. TDKR needs that 2M+ for a nice increase for today.
  15. So about a 1.25 based on your Sunday prediction?
  16. TDKR will have dailies below 1M next week?
  17. I hope the best for all movies this weekend but I really want that 10M+ for TDKR.
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