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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. 1 hour ago, jedijake said:

    I've been staying away from this place due to the constant call for me to be banned for "concern trolling" (when it's all leaning that way anyway). But you nailed it! Nice post. It feels like there's a very large contingency that is rooting for this movie to fail and it's like their "campaign" has pretty much won. The "gang" mentality is real and powerful and TROS felt like SW through and through. People these days want edgy and dark and not good ol' fun that SW always provided.


    The movie's looking like it may be a bit of a failure, causing a complete stop in SW films for a long time. As Padme says in ROTS (with a slight change of course) "This is how Star Wars ends! With thunderous applause!" But not the applause that we think. It's an applause for its failure.

    As one of fans not happy but more or less triumphant over this movies performance allow me to explain my reasoning. I don’t like the direction the sequels took I don’t like their story I don’t like their original charectors ( save maybe Kylo and parts of Poe). I don’t want more of this especially after TLJ. There’s nothing to save here for me so the best situation would be this movie doing badly and then course correcting and improving the next Star Wars movie and the best chance for that is this movie not doing well. That’s my view going in, but this movie being terrible a complete mess and the choices this movie made only serve to reconfirm my opinion

    • Like 5
  2. 7 minutes ago, The Panda said:




    The Last Jedi: A
    Solo: A Star Wars Story: A-

    The Rise of Skywalker: B+


    The Last Jedi: 85

    Solo: A Star Wars Story: 62

    The Rise of Skywalker: 54


    Blaming TLJ for the failures of other movies is pretty dumb imo!

    We accept here that OW is based on hype right. A sequel to a movie is affected by the movie it is a sequel of. TLJ simply killed the hype of a large portion of the fan base. And Cinemascore always has been and always will be a trash way of measuring likes polling five theaters on opening day immediately after they step out of a movie is not scientific or random in the slightest. The only people who would respond are those with strong opinions and the people going that early are bound to be fans in the first place. And for a lot of people their views on a film change once it’s been given thought as well.

  3. 14 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

    It is hard to counter a lot of the hate on here. There’s a gang mentality that quickly builds and quickly crushes the spirit of the many that like the movie/love Star Wars. 


    I respect everyone’s opinion but I’m really not convinced a select few of you do - storming in all 2019-like, to just mock and point and think you’re the be all and end all when it comes to declaring what a film is like - based on two huge days of box office. 


    As a huge Star Wars fan, I remember the dark times of 1999-2005. 

    Whilst appreciative there are a generation that love those movies, that wasn’t MY Star Wars. These new movies, whilst irrefutably full of problems, are infinitely better films than those prequels. 

    Again, it’s my opinion - but I would genuinely love to go out for a beer with some of you and you try and convince me otherwise. 


    They feel like MY Star Wars that I grew up with and love. 


    Regardless, and like I’ve said before...the finales of both of the previous trilogies were not close to being the most successful films in history. Each of them were marketed and hyped as THE END OF STAR WARS. Revenge of the Sith was the one we’d all been waiting for - Anakin turning into Vader. 


    Skywalker does not have that kind of hook. No spoilers but there are things that happen in it that could have been killer cliff hangers two years ago - probably resulting in a bigger weekend than we’re going to get announced in a few hours. The trilogy has got a weird mapping to it due to their ever changing ‘plan’ - we all know that. 

    Everyone in the world that’s interested in Star Wars knows this isn’t the last movie. In 1983 and 2005 they all thought that was it. Done. 


    The ST are flawed movies, but they all have been for four decades to varying degrees. None of them the debacle of the prequels in my opinion. 

    I’m not knocking those that love Anakin’s romance with Padme, Jar Jar’s buffoonery in the battle of Naboo - good will to all of those. 


    Star Wars has always had some that love stuff that others hate. Opinions, debates, joy, despair - always. 


    Let’s just respect others and not go completely overboard. It’s doing good business and we’ll see how it plays out through the holidays. 


    Be realistic and look at how the finales to Star Wars normally do. If this finishes a bit off TLJ then there are reasons for that which have everything to do with the structure of the overall trilogy - in my opinion. 


    I just get frustrated that there’s better conversation to be had from lots of people here that’s getting drowned out by a few haters.  Feige this, and Feige that.  It’s insufferable.  My team is better than yours!


    What’s the point in drowning out the constructive conversation like you’re in the schoolyard? It’s embarrassing. 

    I mean ROTS would have broken the OW record if it opened over a three day and it still broke the biggest opening day record. It won its year domestic by over 100 million in 2005 money and came in second place WW  to Potter by only 50 million. So I’m calling BS on your premise. Hell it out grossed the ROTK domestic 

    • Like 5
  4. 9 minutes ago, The Panda said:

    No, you ignore the fans and make the Star Wars movie you want to make.  If they hate it, let them learn their life doesn’t end because didn’t like what somebody did with a Star Wars movie

    TLJ did that and look at where we are now  with a damaged brand and finale that will undoubtedly cost people jobs in Lucas film and Disney. So who wins there?

    • Like 5
  5. 17 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    It’s about to surpass TLJ


    And i don’t think presale growth is that relevant in this case because SW was always huge, so it won’t have much where to grow 


    The christmas closeness is a good point though... but i’m counting that, because even surpassing TLJ final presales i’m expecting OW to be $ 15-20M lower

    Doesn’t the article from deadline so on pace with TLJ? 

  6. 7 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    They are expecting $ 100M on the week of release for Frozen 2


    So if they’re expecting $ 160M for SW, it’s probably doing at least $ 190M. But i think $ 200M is happening considering the presales doing so good this past days

    Are they doing that well? finally matching TLJ two days out is not that good especially considering two years of presale growth and the closeness of Christmas kinda undercuts that too 

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, 4815162342 said:


    A Wheel of Time show that is actually good would make GOT look like playing with legos in terms of scale of some parts.


    But I remain skeptical of it being pulled off. At the minimum a decent number of plot/character elements would need to be tweaked to head off the barrage of thinkpieces.

    Reading this over the think pieces would be amazing so so funny imagine the reaction to the damane or even to “ kneel before the lord dragon or you will be knelt” sites like jezebel would lose it

  8. 30 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


    I have no idea how you tackle the final battle that altogether takes up about a third of the book (that one 200+ page chapter....) using episode format.

    It honestly would have to be a movie just an extended tv block. I mean for it to get there it would have to be at least 8 seasons and the audience would be invested by then but damn that final battle makes the LOTR look like a snowball fight 

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, 4815162342 said:


    A Wheel of Time show that is actually good would make GOT look like playing with legos in terms of scale of some parts.


    But I remain skeptical of it being pulled off. At the minimum a decent number of plot/character elements would need to be tweaked to head off the barrage of thinkpieces.

    Amazon is making it and if they can pull it off people will watch 80 million books sales shows a built in audience.

    Wheel of Time could replace game of thrones but the budget would have to be huge 

    I mean how else do you show this 



  10. On 8/2/2018 at 8:08 PM, The Futurist said:

    The most efficent economy in the world of the last 40 years is Communist.

    It manufactures and assembles 75% of the shit you use every day.

    It is also taking the lead in the AI race.

    China is communist like deep dish is pizza. It may look like it some stupid people may even think it but it’s not

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, AJG said:

    Also: Why won't this film be made? People know there's other roles in the film, right? 


    Films get released with unknown actors in the lead with bigger stars playing secondary roles at least once a week. It's not a new thing.



    I saw a comment that said it was "SJW" to have women in Assassins Creed video games.


    This is how dense these people are.

    Because it was her production company pushing for it no one else 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

    I guess it’s a U.S thing. Because a cartoon film almost 25 years ago was mega successful a new one live action will be the event of the century. Ironjimbo is actually way more logical than most people here, at least avatar was the event movie of forever and avatar 2 has a chance of repeating that .


    Whatever, as always time will tell and the truth will be the biggest troll for this forum once again....

    You do know the TLK was the biggest animated movie overseas too at the time right. Like 500 million OS in 1994 is really high right. Like it towered above TBB which just did. 1.3 billion in its remake

  13. 12 minutes ago, JB33 said:

    Yeah, a few people here really need to clue in about The Lion King. Nothing I need to day that hasn't already been explained here in this thread m. It's going to be a MASSIVE event!


    Honestly it’s literally THE Disney movie their crown jewel franchise, not counting  Star Wars and Marvel as they bought those. 

    • Like 2
  14. 24 minutes ago, Avatree said:

    The theatrical show is a success in its own right, it is not such a huge hit because of the movie, it's because it's a terrific show and people love it. I know plenty of people who have seen the production and love it but don't care about the kids film.


    Also I don't understand what you mean by "every metric says it is the most well liked film of all time". Can you name any of these metrics? 

    Box office both original and repeatedly every rerelease does amazing, the size of the media franchise and you can’t seperste the show from the movie that makes no sense. It’s the only animated movie in the IMDb top 50. 

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