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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. Just now, The Futurist said:

    I guess trolls are everywhere because on Allociné, french biggest movie site, you can see the exact same dynamic as on the american audience RT score  since Wednesday :


    Started at 4/5 2 days ago.

    Today it s at 3,5/5 which is very low for a blockbuster, Thor Ragnarok ended up with a 4/5 and JL had a 3,8/5.


    Saying plenty of plot elements aren't resonating with audiences is putting it mildly.


    Oh and let settle something once and for all :


    there are no Fans/fanboys on one side and You, the rational guy/ composed cinephile without emotions  about this saga on the other side.

    Thats YOUR mind construct.


    Everybody is a fanboy/fan of Star Wars, everybody is invested with what happened with these characters, everybody knows the basic story and mythology of Star Wars, it has been the most famous and well know story in cinema for the last 40 years.

    Chances that you never saw the OT and/or Force Awakens while buying a Last Jedi ticket are VERY, VERY low, it probalby represents less than 5% of audiences and like I said, even if you didn't see these 4 films, you know the story from your friends, family, significant others or pop culture references.

    I don't deny there aren't various degrees of fanboy-ism among Star Wars fans, I am saying everybody is at least invested and interested in how the plot progresses and what happen exactly to these characters in The Last Jedi.

    Everybody cares about Star Wars.

    Yep trolls everywhere

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

    The RT score could be totally legit, but sure is interesting nothing else agrees with it. Per Deadline: "ComScore/Screen Engine reports a mindblowing five-out-of-five stars for the movie and a 90% overall positive with an 82% definite recommend. Huge. Older men over 25 came out in droves at 44% followed by females over 25 (24%), men under 25 (22%), and females under 25 (10%)."

    That was written at 9:25 ET last night before any of the showings even finished it must be from screenings and therefore from the most super of superfans so yes but we will see

    • Like 6
  3. 1 minute ago, Cheebs86 said:

    Go back and look at what fanboys were saying in letters columns and conventions in 1980.

    Empire was MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more divisive than this. The Vader reveal was met with anger and pissed off fans of ANH. The poor reception to ESB upon its release didn't hurt ROTJ at all.

    I mean we will see, I wasn;t alive in 1980 so I can't say what the reaction but this feels like a good part of the fanbase hates this movie 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

    This thread is getting stupid....


    This will easily be the highest grossing film of the year by New Years Day and people are trying to suggest it is a colossal failure. 


    It will be a highly successful film with a divisive reaction.


    Like IW and JW2 likely won't make as much as this film made in its first 3 weekends.  

    Of course but episode 9 won't be in as good a place, also I don't think it will break 700 now

  5. 30 minutes ago, The Last Panda said:

    Also, if you look at Metacritic audience scores for games and such with big fanbases, there's plenty of cases where games that get raves by critics get torpedoed in the User reviews by people displeased by one aspect of the game or a decision on the game company's part or trolls (ie bitter fans that the game wasn't exactly how they envisioned it.)


    This hasn't been common on RT, but with the increased attention RT has gotten, and the Star Wars hardcore fan base looking similar to a video game fan base, you could have something similar at play.  And if that's the case, then it wouldn't be indicative of GA reactions.

    But the best video games the ones that are great have just as high if not higher audience scores on metacritic 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

    Cmasterclay and others sound like Coal power Supporters



    Movies and shows cost too much to make for small studios and people are not going to spend 15-20 bucks to watch some random original movie in large enough numbers to support such films.


    Makes more sense such films are made and streaming services pay for production where you can maintain the diversity and get a hold of more money. 

    A non sequitur straw man argument  

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Deja23 said:

    Isn’t the AT&T/Time Warner deal partly horizontal integration as well? Yeah, AT&T doesn’t have a studio, but both companies are ISPs. I know that doesn’t matter much on here since this forum focuses on movies. I think there’s the possibility that with Fox somewhat out of the picture, Sony and Paramount may be able to gain bigger pieces of the pie. Not as much as Disney, Universal, or WB, but hopefully they’ll improve.

    No Time warner cable is seperate from Time Warner itself the spin off happened a while ago

  8. 7 minutes ago, Jandrew said:


    I don't like the AT&T/Time Warner deal either. AT&T just got Directv, that's enough for now. Yall are really sitting here trying to paint The Walt Disney Company as being victim-shamed lmao, wow.

    Exactly, I'm not for the At&t deal either but that at least is vertical integration this is horizontal, if fox can not hang on how much longer do sony and paramount have  

  9. 5 minutes ago, Walt Disney said:

    The regional sports networks don't make sense to block because Fox owned Fox Sports 1 and all the regional sports networks as well. And Fox doesn't have a monopoly on regional sports networks. Also, Disney does not own any regional sports networks, except for what they will purchase from Fox. 

    No but they own Espn and it’s broad sports array 

  10. 1 minute ago, Lordmandeep said:



    People are just butthurt that a studio is successfully making movies that people want to see and can convince people to see. 

    Yep that’s it exactly I’m sure you have the same opinion for all other major corporate mergers just being butt hurt at success. Like the airline mergers have made flying so much better for the consumer 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



    Maybe the government should step in and ensure we get a quota of Wes Anderson movies each year. ;)

    Hahaha that is good. But you have to think beyond movies this level of media domination has after effects Disney already dominates local and state level politics in Florida and California this only expands their reach 

  12. 2 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:

    In the long run, this move probably enhances diversity. It's not going to be long before Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook start producing huge-budget movies of their own, and the latter have incredibly deep pockets. Disney realized it needed to get bigger to survive in that environment, and they may yet not be big enough even with FOX.


    Expect Comcast and WB to try and acquire Paramount, and Sony has decisions to make.


    Really, 10 years from  now the Big Three movie studios might be Amazon, Facebook, and Google. 

    The other studios will try to survive this which will lead to more consolidation and more and more but beyond Hollywood these are media empires sports, tv, video games. Disney in sports is now untouchable that’s bad

  13. Just now, Fullbuster said:


    That's not very convncing...

    I don’t have time to write a full consumer theory paper for why a monopoly is bad, read into the LA times controversy this year for a brief description or read about the movie theater issue with Disney. But beyond that this deal gives far too much power to one entity, in terms of sports Disney is now the only game in town in NY and other areas, in terms of TV it will own 42% of the market that’s obscene and a similar amount for movies. This will create costs that will be past down to consumers Disney can jack up rates as it had no competition the other studios will have to merge to compete and then what

    • Like 5
  14. 2 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


    Nope. Last time I heard they're not eating children. You need to change your definition of evil. Disney is a private company, making money and growing is part of its DNA, it's not a charity.

    That’s pedantic do better. Evil is shorthand for ruthless and bad for the consumer which Disney is through its practices

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