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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. 1 hour ago, Barnack said:

    I am not sure what is your reference to say $450 is not that good.


    Other studio tend to get what around 15% in licensing sales ? You need to sales for likes 3 billions of stuff to get 450m.


    According to deadline Paramount was making with Transformer around 30m in merchandise revenues (I would imagine they expect Hasbro to get most of it ? sound low):



    When SpiderMan was one of the biggest merchandise sellers in the world with the Cars franchise or at least by far the biggest superheroes franchise in the world able to push for over 1billion in sales some year's, Sony was not making nearly has much from it (105m from spider-man 2, 150m from spider-man 3)


    450m is enormous, specially when you consider that part of that business has extremely high margin (the part were you let people put your logo on stuff they do and they gave you a percentage of the sales with you spending or doing nothing).


    Warner brothers complete year of theatrical product consumer products revenues for example:

    2014: 271m

    2015: 269m

    2016: 321m


    Last Jedi reportedly beat that by itself, Star Wars was really in a different space than almost everything else merch wise, if not everything else.



    Corparations follow projections not net sales if it’s under projections it disappointed no matter the net 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    Where did you read the script for Episode IX?


    In any case, judging a movie before one has even seen a teaser for it, just because of the director, is not helpul at all.


    I’m judging a directors 20 year career not just his last movie Abrams just rips off those who did it first and usually better that’s his only trick look over his filmography and say I’m wrong

  3. Just now, baumer said:


    So the guy who made the third highest grossing film of all time is someone wrong for the job?



    He’s never made anything original in his life everything he does is a greatest hits version of a franchise or other director and his mystery box style of filmmaking usually creates a less than satisfying ending look at Lost for that. Star Wars needs new ideas and JJ will make Death Star part 5

  4. 1 minute ago, Brainbug said:


    Or maybe these critics  - who may as well understand more of filmmaking than you do - just liked the movie?


    Have you ever thought about that?

    Sure but it’s clear that a large segment of the public disagreed with these people and are obviously looking for something different in a Star Wars move than “subverting expectations”

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, baumer said:

    You know how you fix E9?  bring Luke back.  That's it.  No one said he was dead.  Then he has his final confrontation with Kylo.  Then you answer the questions from part 7, like why Maz had Luke's sabre from Empire strikes Back.  You give a better reason as to why Rey is not just strong with the force but downright God like.  You get Meryl Streep to play Leia.  You get into more backstory about the Knights of Ren.  Basically you undo all the bullshit that Johnson did in TLJ.


    There, I said it.  


    And now I'll go hybernate while you guys tear me to shreds.

    I like all of that soft reboot push TLJ aside then fire Rian Johnson from that trilogy 

  6. 2 minutes ago, John Marston said:



    Rrally? It seemed they thought it was going to be overwhelmingly loved since they have Johnson a trilogy before it came out 

    Yeah it was true it blindness about TLJ which was the most surprsing thing and also the way they doubled down on it referring to all the critics as racist or sexist or whatever was misguided to say the least

  7. Just now, baumer said:


    I don't care what the reasons are, TLJ made 1.3 billion.  People talk about nostalgia like its a bad thing.  SW built its name up over 40 years and has a loyal fanbase.  We are at 10 movies now for SW and Solo will the be first bomb.  How many franchises get to ten movies besides Marvel?  


    We've discussed the reasons ad nauseum as to why Solo failed.  Disney has a lot of work to do to fix the next episode.  But it's not hard to fix.....imo.  They just have to have the balls to do it right.

    It’s not a bad thing but it’s a spent force, Disney themselves per the WSJ are internally claiming TLJ as a disappointment and I would bet 9 decreases from that. 

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, baumer said:


    If this is sarcasm, fine, but Disney has made huge money from SW since they bought it.  In fact, every film they have released has made a billion or more.  Solo bombing is a massive disappointment but Disney has made money hands over fist with their first three films.  4.3 billion to be exact.  They'll figure out what they did wrong and they will fix it for E9.  I have no doubts about this.  

    I think the damage is done to a certain extent the franchise has peaked and it is clear Disney has no new ideas for the films at all they have capitalized on nostalgia and the old cast but that’s gone now. I don’t give them to much credit for 7 as two hours of anything with the old cast would have done gangbusters, TLJ had the worst December legs ever and pretty much collapsed post OW and now this. Lucasfilm needs to think a lot about their future but they won’t and going back to JJ Abrams makes that clear,

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    Its not only because of the brand though. Even in raw numbers it could be the biggest moneylooser of all time. As far as i know, John Carter is the "champion" in that regard with Disney having a 200M writedown on that. Depending on Solos actual budget, theres a chance it could exceed that - which is mind-boggling.

    It’s honestly impressive it should be studied on the future, how not to run a franchise 

    • Like 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    Did TLJ not just get a near 3x multiplier though :hahaha:

    despite being probably THE most divisive movie of the past decade. Sure, Solo's legs are literal trash, but all the doom and gloom could just be for nothing if this is indeed a one-and-done bomb

    No it didn’t but it did get the some of the worst December legs ever it straight collapsed post ow

  11. 10 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

    After TFA we fan dom were ecstatic awaiting TLJ ...


    After TLJ the SW fanbase is demoralized and in a civil war.


    For Rots everyone wanted to see how Vader came to be and the film while deeply flawed had tons of fan service to please the fans.


    I do not see episode 9 jumping much unless it is quite different TLJ.

    It’d be simple just fix Luke. But as it stands I wouldn’t discount a decrease. Unlike the last Rots and rotj there is no chance this is the last Star Wars movie so finale factor. The original cast has been used up and TLJ pissed a lot of people off

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, a2knet said:

    Deadline had it at 2.9 Friday, 11.5 3-day, 15.1 4-day.

    Same ratio with 2.72 Friday gives 10.8 3-day, 14.2 4-day.


    RO legs (16.8 4-day, added 30.3 or 1.80x more to it's cume) would then take it to 594.5 + 14.2*1.80 = 594.5 + 25.6 = 620.1 dom

    But it’s droppig faster than r1 so it won’t have r1 legs

    • Like 3
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