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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. For those saying that casual people had been reacting poorly to this season until the last two episodes, you're right, absolutely. There was a little bit of a small backlash. But those people weren't complaining (besides the rape scene) about changes from the books or narrative flaws- they were complaining because nothing was happening! It had nothing to do with changing it from the books, it had to do with it sticking too close to the last two books, where in 3000 pages, barely anything happens, and it would have been even worse without putting Sansa in Winterfell and Jamie in Dorne. You need to realize that the last two books, interesting as they are to book die hards, would be FUCKING BORING if adapted for the casual audience, who care mostly about Tyrion, Jon, Dany, and Cersei, the four main characters. That's not to say I didn't love the last two books- I did just because they're still part of a brilliant franchise, even if they're about 1000 feet below the first three in terms of quality- but television is a different medium. And that's the last thing I'll say, because this argument is just going in circles.

    you;re overestimating cersei that 's just d&d's fetish. Oh yeah and dorne was so great because of all they changed winterfell was incredilby intriguing because of the BS even Tyrion journey changed as it was was incredibly less interesting come on the changes they have made for the most part have been stupid

  2. Considering that the Unsullied make up about 80 percent of the show's audience, I'm pretty sure appealing to them matters more.

    In the short term sure but the majority of the unsullied barely remember the characters names let alone the plot alienating your core most loyal audience is never a good idea. The unsullied will move on and forget the readers won't and if the show keeps giving middle fingers to those people it will suffer for it. Just remeber its the readers who started watching the show and sold it to all their friends and family

  3. Jeez, wtf?! I read the books its one of my favourite book series ever, but I can understand that an adaptation is an adapatation. This episode was one of the best in thbe series and I say that as a huge Dany fan (shes my fav character). The end scene was perfect. And there will be no backlash agains the show. Lol. This is the main reason why people watch GoT. 

    There already is a backlash it started with the sansa thing and now is continuing and using the unsullied to prove your point is lazy who honestly cares the second the next big thing comes the show will be forgotten like everything else the readers stick by it

  4. It's not just me saying this stuff no matter how you want to put it the majoirty of people who read the books are at least dissapointed in what has occurred here ruining a character forever that was something of a fan favorite amonst readers is a big deal. There are so many holes in everything else you said it would take to long to address. One more week and this show is over for me and I would say a sizable portion of readers

  5. Really not sure how I feel about this episode. 


    Shireens death may just have overtaken Oberyns on the list of GoT scenes I never EVER want to watch again, just for the sheer upsetting horror of it. And it just doesn't make any sense at all... having a likeable character do horrible things is nothing new in GoT world, but this is something that would make Ramsay Bolton pause. I didn't buy that Stannis is THAT much of a fanatic to both his and Melisandres cause that he would stoop to this depth. 

    He isn't he is an atheist who refuses to burn anyone in the north on account that it would anger the local populace. He is someone who orders his men to support his daughter to death in light of his own. He leaves Melisandre back at the wall

  6. And yet you will still watch the show no matter how much you proclaim to hate D&D for ruining your precious books (witch BTW I am reading right now)


    That is why there is no point in complaining.


    It may be "ruined" for you Sun Son, but for million upon million of people who watch the show is still great entertaintment (including me).

    When I said I'm done I meant it I'll finish this abortion of a season out but no more its come to the point where watching only gets me angry. The ratings are starting to decline thank god I supported this show for the first four seasons mostly defendeing it from other book readers but now its just too much every choice they have made is a mistake look at dorne,winterfell, Stannis everything is being done for shock value not narrative coherence. Hell its barely even a story anymoretoo much was cut and what was put in its place makes no sense for anybody. Examine littlefinger does his plan make any sense at all of course not, thye introduce greysclae in jorah( an alright change) a make not of it being highly infectious then have him touch everyone in sight, having Sansa get raped just to inspire shock,  even making meryn trant a pedophile for no purpose. Most of the season is when I'm in college so I'll have plenty of  stuff to occupy my time anyway. This show has completely collapsed as an adaptation but what more can you expect from the writer of troy and X men origins 

  7. Well that was intense...


    I was almost expecting Davos to save Shereen. Alas, It was not to be.


    And BTW, to the book readers... Stop bitching already!!!!


    You always say you will stop watch the show and yet you always comeback...


    The books are the books, the show is the show... How many fucking times GRRM has to repeat that for you to understand that???


    Done ranting.

    The books are what made the show good their divergence from them is ruining the show to the poit where quite a few people are remarking on the fall in quality

  8. He's returning Myrcella in the novels, unless you believe in the theory that Myrcella is dead and it's the decoy Doran is sending home to buy time.


    And Trystane is likely taking Nymeria's role in the books, they just haven't had the big Doran reveal scene yet (his scene with Elliara and the Sand Snakes was the perfect time).

    Balon is not coming back from darkstar's castle either him or obara will kill him, she is not going cersei has no power, she might even marry faegon 

  9. Well, nothing can convince you otherwise, clearly, even though that quote pretty much directly implies Stannis' role, AND the authorship of the Pink Letter potentially being Stannis would indicate that he is desperately scheming, AND that the Queen, Mel, and Shireen will probably flee the Wall after FTW.

    GRRM did not tell them everything that happens and from all that we know of the charecter as he is this is so far out of it that it simply can't even be considered an adaptation from one we have ap erson saying she is my sole heir and you will fight for her to the death even if I die the other shows him burning her alive are those two compatible. Now mel might do it selyse might do it hell val might kill her but Stannis would never it simply contrary to the charecter. As George says Stannis is a truly just man

  10. I never had any strong opinions of him in the books, so I can't get too worked up over changes to him. The Dorne story overall (book/show) is a mess.

    Ture but he would never send his only son into Kings landing or return myrcella or let Jaime leave or any of the other things dorne this season was just a way to keep the actor in show I doubt any of these people will return which is a waste of time

  11. Here's a direct quote from the Inside the Episode from D&D where they practically confirm that Shireen is burnt by Stannis in WOW and this was planned all along:


    "When George first told us about this, it was one of those times that I remember looking at Dan, and going, god, that's so horrible, and it's so good, because it all comes together in a story sense. From the very first time we meet Stannis and Melisandre, they are sacrificing and talking about king's blood, and the power it contains, and it all leads to this, to the sacrificing of Shireen."


    Sure, Mel could just burn her solo, I suppose, but that quote reads alot to me like Stannis plays a role, which makes me LOL at people saying how big of idiots D&D are when GRRM was probably the one who planned it all along.

    Stannis is at winterfell mel is at the wall there is no way he can give the order nor will he if you read the quote from winds mel will probably burn her on her own. Stannis does not sacrifice people to the red god he has people who were otherwise goingto be executed anyway burnt to death in exchange he is an atheist. D&D are idiots are a  whole host of other reasons

  12. This show isn't a flip book adaptation of the books. Stop expecting it to be.


    And before you say "DOZE RETARDS DUMB AND DUMBER DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT DEEZE KARACTERS", Stannis straight up tried to murder his own nephew and cut his most loyal man's fingers off. He's not the "Saint" you want him to be even though you hate Tyrion for that same concept. And Dillaine did a fabulous, fabulous job showing the heartbreak and complexity of this moment. I don't completely agree with it, but calm down, man. Judge it for what it is in a TV show, NOT as an exact replica of a book. The words "based on" are there for a reason.


    Also, LOL @ purists saying that everyone would quit watching the show because of the burning, and everyone on Twitter and in reviews instantly praising the episode for the brilliant final scene and saying it might have even topped last week. I'm a die hard fan of the books but you gotta realize that the series can't just pander to the 1.5 million people who loved the books and was there for the first episode- it has to appeal to the seven million (at least) Americans and tens of millions that the show has grown internationally that like different elements of the show. And those people don't LOVE Stannis like the rest of the internet does.

    The ratings are going down people are getting fed up, adaptation is one thing out right changing a charecters person is not. Stannis never agreed to burn children or indeed anyone once he goes north. This destroys his character for the sake of shock value id rather they just had ramsay kill him tbh. Next year the ratings will go down more as book readers abandon in droves 

  13. I disagree with the rape sequence on screen but the general idea of Sansa in Winterfell and actually involved is a massive improvement. Dorne was bad in the books and is bad in the show. St Tyrion is such a non comforist internet point...dude is the protagonist of the party.

    he isn't pure white in the books he is grey he wouldn't even have sex with that sex slave he offered herself to him free of charge, I mean really come on

  14. I've seen every episode twice and read every book twice. I disagree with what is suppossed to happen tonight. But I love the changes they've made this year otherwise. Maybe we could have gotten Sansa riding horses for hours with Sir Robert instead. or Tyrion whining for hours. or introducing an entire company of characters with no prior relevance to the story and characters already established. Or spent chapters with Brienne in various inns. Thrilling television that would make. The last two books had some real good moments but were oftentimes largely meandering and incosequential. This season has made them more cinematic and digestible for a television audience.

    you'd prefer sansa getting raped, jaime with no development, dorne for no reason other than to mention it seroiuslt what was the point of dorne bring in stoneheart or aegon instead,Barristan dead,  St. Tyrion,idiot littlefinger, morally pure varys some changes were fine yes hardhome brienne given the other changes but her previous stolryine had a purpose to show the devastation brought about from the war, Stannis now

  15. Ok, for example, as a book fan, I have no idea why people hate that kid Olly. Instead of certain events occuring using unknown and relatively irrelevant characters that GRRM fails to build, we get a character that is relatable and unique. There's zero reason to hate him other than just to hate the showrunners IMO.

    because its so obvious they are telegraphing what he's going to do its subtle in the books and theirs a certain weight behind the actions taken by the characters he's replacing in the show its ridiculously over the top and poorly done

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