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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. This year has been ridiculous from AS to FF and now this avengers might be third place oreven fourth dom and WW. THis movie though I din't think it was great is doing unbelievable numbers and full credit to excel who called this. I am shocked by this and this truly shows the power of nostalgia in movies. I don't know how good the legs will be but this is the breakout hit of the year and will win the year domestic

  2. Do you have an actual argument against what I said?


    I live in Cleveland and when we went to see the film Thursday night one of the NBA Finals games was on, and my brother in law was the only one who chose to stay home and watch it. The other 9 of us went.

    The fact that 25 million people will watch the nba finals tomorrow at least and no more than 20 million will see this movie this weekend is a good number

    • Like 2
  3. He isn't stupid for being overthrown. Wise and benevolent rulers and leaders in real life have been the victims of coups and assassinations many times before. Was Tywin stupid and incompetent for getting murdered by his own son, a dwarf no less?

    Different circumstance he had those people in prison and let them out if he is then immediately overthrown by those people he looks very stupid

  4. Didn't Oberyn make it a point to explain to the Lannisters in S4 that Dorne doesn't give a fuck about purebloods and bastards? Besides, Ellaria is the daughter of a noble Dornish lord if I remember correctly, so not exactly a "commoner" either.

    And Bronn won't get Oakhearted lol. Otherwise they wouldn't introduce Lollys and make references to her elder sister.

    They follow the Martel family of which none of the sand snakes nor ellaria but them replacing doran makes him look stupid and incompetent and doran is not a stupid man by any means

  5. As long as Bronn lives.

    More Bronn is always good, but I like in the books how, once he goes off page after taking Cersei's bribe he begins a slow climb to power in the Crownlands (as of the end of the fifth book he has gathered a small army of sellswords and is poised to press Lollys' claim to Rosby).

    Bronn is going to get oak hearted and I don't think the sand snakes will run dorne that is stupid even by d&d standards who will listen to them dorne more accepting but it still cares a bastard and a commoner will not be accepted rulers

  6. As a book reader I think that was one of the best things that happened to this show. And I've talked to other book readers who think as well. I love Sansa, but she does absolutely NOTHING in the books. And it's annoying exactly because I like her character. And looking at the promo for the season finale she might become a badass worthy of the Stark name. And I'm perfectly ine with that. I hope she kills Ramsay herself.

    She's going to become a badass if you read the winds chapter and without being raped there were a ton of ways to buid tension but to what they did is just ridiculous and grrm editor rightly called them out for it

  7. The more I think about it the more I really hate this episode:


    Stannis burning Shireen just doesn't tally. I don't have a problem (narratively speaking) with Shireen being burnt alive per se... it would be completely plausible, for example, for Melisandre to abduct her or just go ahead and burn her without Stannis' permission. But for Stannis to be complicit runs contrary to everything that the show has tried to establish about Stannis over the past season - that he loves his daughter and that she is the red line he will not cross. Contradicting that isn't complex character building - it's just bad/lazy writing and a cheap shock.


    Look, I get that GoT is all about serving us brutality with zero % chance of silver linings. It's one of the things I love most about the show. As distressing as I found Oberyn's death, it didn't feel implausible or cheap. This does. Even the Sansa rape scene that many hated made sense to me - whatever your issue with the way it's presented, there's no denying that Ramsay would rape Sansa. It's plausible.


    I can't really comment on anything else about the episode as this one scene has been upsetting me all day. At the very least, I commend D&D for creating something that has really, genuinely got under my skin. I just wish the context of the scene was different, and earnt.


    I'll stop rambling but the Forbes review sums up how I feel about this far more eloquently and succinctly than I could.



    That article is perfect

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