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Water Bottle

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Everything posted by Water Bottle

  1. I have an Athletic sub. But I usually don't real baseball articles.
  2. How could they mishandle an injury when he doesn't see the team's doctors? If his knee was so mishandled by the Spurs, how did he have such a great season? All while complaining the Spurs didn't give him stuff he never asked for. Tony Parker isn't a liar, he has great character. Great guy all around. Big fan of his.
  3. So humble he gave up on his team for a whole year with a "knee" injury then asked to be traded from the team that believed in him and traded him all because he wanted more glory.
  4. @Lordmandeep has been threadbanned for the rest of the weekend thread's life for trolling and stirring the pot.
  5. At least movie theaters would. Cinema would move exclusively straight to Netflix/Amazon/Hulu/whatever. What a sad that's going to be.
  6. If DP had worked out enough to do a mainline game, the main character's main would probably be Eevee. He would eventually get Squitle/Charmander/Bulbasaur (since they would likely adapt Yellow over Red/Blue).
  7. Pokemon is bigger than life. It's a whole different ecosystems with animals that have special powers that often battle each other.
  8. At least it won't be more CBMs. (I have nothing against CBMs for the record. I like a lot of them. But I want more than just CBMs all the fucking time.)
  9. King of the Monsters should do well but pretty much giant monster fights are the same spectacle as overpowered human being fights.
  10. If you're WB/Legendary, you aren't going to fund a mainline game video game based on DP's box office performance. We will get DP2 with a decreased budget, that will decrease, and then the franchise will be done.
  11. I have to agree with you there. DP was a big chance for a new IP to create some variety but of course, it's not a superhero movie so of course nobody wants to see it in theaters.
  12. I don't know if a Pokemon Cinematic Universe should follow the template of the MCU with it slowly building up to a big threat? I guess I have to see what other movies they plan to do and what the crossover potential is.
  13. If the plan is to do a whole cinematic universe, do you want a Detective Pikachu movie focusing on (Mega) Raquaza? If it's going to be only Detective Pikachu, sure do whatever you want. But you don't want DP taking all the legendary Pokemon and leaving spin-off titles with nothing. Especially if they decide to do a more....traditional...Pokemon adventure movie.
  14. At this stage, the script will probably be rewritten like 50 times. Wouldn't be surprised if they have other writers come in and work on the script as well.
  15. Solid B movie. The plot is kinda...wack and weak but the worldbuilding is great. Some of the action scenes work (the Pokemon battles) but others land flat (like the escape from the mountain Pokemon). Nice use of new and old Pokemon (even if I'm not familiar with some of the new Pokemon...must play more Pokemon!). I thought some of the changes they made from the Detective Pikachu video game were bad and some were good. Honestly, with that script, maybe Michael Bay was the ideal director for this.
  16. In the US, I took "Spanish" but since Spanish was technically my first language... I can say that the Spanish they teach is like super basic for the most part and won't really teach you the language. The US doesn't really make a real attempt to make students bilingual even when the option is present.
  17. Disney owns Avatar. Before that it was Fox. Come on, the success of Avatar was always tied to corporate movie making as well.
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