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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. 2012 was just a beast of its own, especially for its time. For me, it was the beginning of the mega - overseas grosses with Russia and China starting to dominate and other markets beginning to emerge. Then Avatar came along...
  2. Very impressive that estimates stayed the same (let's at least hope Fri/Sat are good as well.
  3. I seriously can't believe we've just had a 90m weekend. The best part of all this is that literally not one single person saw this coming. Not one single person.
  4. What I'm trying to say is that, you could release SW7 in December and it make $XYZ, but we have no actual way of ever definitively proving that a September release would reduce its revenue.
  5. As long as it's content people want, anything can be released any time of the year. You could release SW7 in September and still make a fuck tonne of money.
  6. BOM has put their predictions as 86/101. If this doesn't prove that you can open to big numbers any time of the year so long as it's content that people actually want, then I don't know what ever will.
  7. Wow. I honestly was not expecting that much for AS. With all its buzz, sure maybe 3-3.5, but damn. 70m+ 4 - day?
  8. With a couple weeks of school holidays and a Public Holiday, I wouldn't entirely rule out 20m.
  9. Its really sad for our industry that it only took 5.65m to be #1.
  10. Be hopeful that the big films don't suck the life out of the box office.
  11. One thing this place has going for it is its lack of humidity. No matter the temp, I've not felt humid at all.
  12. I don't understand this bloody city. It's hot during the day, yet at night the winter gear needs to come out.
  13. I'm pretty happy with 12m for BOFA, but I was hoping that BH6 could've reached at least 4, possibly 4.5.
  14. Its down a matter of 25ish screens from the previous Hobbit films. Negligible amount, imo.
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