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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. In terms of admissions and dollars, LOTR are some of our most successful ever.
  2. Today's the day. Let's see how the final Hobbit does!
  3. Meh. FF7 should just hurry up and be released already so we can have something exciting.
  4. If it aint on their plans, it ain't on their plans.
  5. I guess the value of an 80 storey building is greater.
  6. I love Boxing Day just for the movies. Whether I've worked or just observed from here, it's always so much fun.
  7. And how could I forget about FF7. $30m right there.
  8. Ted is a rare success. A comedy making as much as it did. The sequel is almost guaranteed to decrease by at least 5m or so in my opinion.
  9. 2015 will be massive. The back end of The Hobbit, Avengers, Star Wars, Mockingjay... it can't not be massive.
  10. Its going to be ~3m behind after this week - and it's making less and dropping bigger. I personally think anything over 35 is out of the question.
  11. $34m-ish finish for MJ1? Second weekend ~1.7m below CF and a bigger drop.
  12. Domestic: sure, we've seen crazier things happen. OS: not even remotely possible. It's got more chance of making that in its OS OW than making that all up.
  13. Pretty solid turnout for MJ1 midnights at my session especially given its exam time at most unis. Speaking of which I have one today. Yay. Shoot me now.
  14. Box Office aside, Potter had this touch that extended beyond a suspension of disbelief for 2-3 hours, once every year or two. It was a simultaneous growth that occurred between the characters and entire generation. The trio was there for people without even having to try. It's characters faced normal everyday problems that were so relatable.
  15. Midnight session at Event Parramatta tonight! So excited for MJ1!
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