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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. 101 Her I found this movie so weirdly and oddly charming, it is by far my favorite movie from Spike Jonze so far. It is funny, with an incredible sense of depth and commentary, using the story as a parable of modern times (some Jonze is brilliant at). I always respected Jonze as a director, but after Her I literally can't wait to see what he does next.
  2. 102 Dr. No The kick off movie of the classic James Bond series, it being the first one may be what makes me put this a bit higher than it deserves, but it is still a great stylistic, entertaining, popcorn flick. Dr. No is one of the best of the James Bond movies with some of the best replay value in the series.
  3. 103 Touch of Evil Speaking of classic directors, here is a movie from another one, Orson Welles. Touch of Evil is a gripping film that shows just how capable Welles was as a director and how great he was at creating tremendous shots and how good he was at getting good performances out of his cast.
  4. 104 The King of Comedy Yes, another Martin Scorsese film, just like Spielberg you really can't help it with him, he has so many classics and The King of Comedy is one of them. This is one that is often overlooked but that doesn't mean it isn't a great character study, and a spine-chilling performance by Robert De Niro.
  5. 105 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) If it hasn't been evident already, I am a big fan of theatrical plays, and well done movie adaptions of them, A Streetcar Named Desire is another one of the great play adaptions. The movie is a hotbox of intense and focused performances (like the play is written to be), it is a great classic from the early 50s.
  6. 106 A Fistful of Dollars The first in the classic dollars trilogy, and while it's not as strong as the second follow up The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, it is still an all-time classic superbly directed by Leone, as well as a great introduction to Clint Eastwood's strongest role.
  7. 107 Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror The mother of all horror movies, Nosferatu is the best vampire movie, what's even better is the poeticness of it. The fact that it is a silent movie with just eerie music in the background makes it all the better, and more powerful. Nosferatu should be a lesson all horror directors take, it isn't cheap scares, it is genuinely terrifying art.
  8. 108 Kill Bill Yes, I am cheating and combining Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 and giving them one spot, but that is because they were shot back to back as an intended two part film, not a movie that spawned a sequel. Quentin Tarantino knows how to provide his fun thrills and Kill Bill provides them as one of my favorites delivered by him in this extraordinary, epic revenge flick.
  9. 109 Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9qbvrprTU The best of the classic Star Trek movies, with an incredible tense atmosphere, and one of the best stories that came out of Star Trek. It is emotionally engaging and resonates well to anybody who loves the classic Star Trek TV show, to bad the later films don't give that much of a pay off in their quality.
  10. 110 The Matrix Keanu Reeves may be a terrible actor, but that doesn't make The Matrix anywhere close to a terrible movie, in fact it's a fantastic one. The action is groundbreaking, and created with a great, thrilling, thought provoking tune by the Wachowski Bros (or siblings now).
  11. 111 The Wolf of Wall Street Another recent movie that has made my list, it's one that gets better the more you think about. The visual rhetoric of excess works like a charm and drives the movie to be offensive, hilarious, and essential all at the same time. This is, in my opinion, the defining movie about Wall Street.
  12. 112 Persepolis One of the few foreign language films I am going to put on this list, I guess that makes this list a bit uncultured, but who cares it's my list. Persepolis is an overlooked animation that is simple, and powerful coming of age movie admist the Islamist Revolution.
  13. 113 The Adventures of Robin Hood This is the only good Robin Hood film, period. No men in tights, no bad cartoon fox, no Kevin Costner, and lord no Russell Crowe. Errol puts on a great performance as the only good Robin Hood, and it's a great, classic adventure movie that has stood the test of time.
  14. 114 The Hunt for Red October Remember when Jack Ryan movies used to be good adaptions of Tom Clancy's novels and not cheap January turds? Well this is one of them, the tension is high, the story is engaging, and it stands as a superbly crafted thriller that stands tall with some of the best.
  15. 115 The Bride of Frankenstein The Bride of Frankenstein is an early example of a strong sequel. The effects are impressive, and it has some great, chilling scenes. It actually doesn't age all that bad, it manages to be a strong horror film as well give good doses of humor at the same time.
  16. 116 The Departed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irb3r4GipTE This is one of Scorsese's most stylistic films with some of the deeper themes combined with a gritty, dark story. The Departed is one of the better Best Picture winners and is up there with some of the best of Scorsese's films. The drama is intense, and the performance sky-rocket, an incredible, complex movie.
  17. 117 South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut This is one of the best musicals of all time, deal with it. It may be offensive, vulgar, with animation that my four year old niece could have drawn, but that's the absolute beauty of South Park. The musical numbers are extremely catchy and awful at the same time making it all the more amazing of a movie.
  18. 118 Ghostbusters A fantastic classic comedy, and another great title role for Bill Murray. Each of the performances are spot on and add so much to the humor of this movie. The entire film is a big ball of quotable goofiness and it'd be wrong to say it doesn't deserve a spot here.
  19. 119 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon One of the my favorites of the martial arts genre, and Ang Lee absolutely masters the craft of this movie, shooting his action scenes in a simple but effective way that is a million times better than the close up, shaky cam, thirty cuts a scene, action movies of today. But what really sends it over the top is the blend of the great action with a tight, thrilling drama.
  20. I fail to see how this will be bad thing so I welcome it.A new major studio to shake things up would be nice, plus is Lionsgate can get some more money making movies besides just the Hunger Games that'll make it more interesting
  21. I think Frozen's drop will end up a bit lighter than that, it seems awfully steep compared tithe rest of it's late run
  22. Wreck it Ralph is a movie about video games not a movie based on a video game. Big difference
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