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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. 1.Guardians of the Galaxy 2.Boyhood 3.Godzilla 4.Bad Words 5.The Fault in Our Stars 6.The Muppets Most Wanted 7.Foxcatcher 8.The Grand Budapest Hotel 9.Whiplash 10.Interstellar
  2. It actually has really good reviews, I might actually read the book if I have time, the concept is just to amazing.
  3. I don't know how this wasn't mentioned yet. We should make this a list.
  4. I just read on Rotten Tomatoes that Sony has now greenlighted a movie called Grasshopper Jungle, the description of it is "a coming-of-age yarn revolving around a teenager in Iowa trying to come to grips with his own sexual feelings as he and his cohorts cause a deadly genetically engineered plague that unleashes an army of 6-foot-tall praying mantises with an insatiable appetite for fighting, food, and fornicating." Sony may just be extremely desperate, but sign me up as excited to see this on screen no matter how bad it turns out to be.
  5. 175 Memento http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0gi5e7JR9w Nolan has always been great at taking niche concepts and making them work to make entertaining, and to dark for their own good, thrillers. Memento is by far his best piece of work, the imagery is fantastic, and keeps your mind working throughout the watch.
  6. 176 Hot Fuzz The funniest and best of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost's cornetto trilogy. The satire is relevant, and stingingly funny just like the rest of Edgar Wright's work and it is one of the best buddy cop movies out there. Hot Fuzz is a hilarious work of popcorn flick art.
  7. 177 All The King's Men With a very powerful starring performance, All the King's Men tale of corruption is one of the best that is out there. The adaption of the source material is strong, and the story still has resonance in society today as an important and relevant tale of lies, power and how it corrupts the persona.
  8. 178 Starship Troopers This is a pure, campy, and fun guilty pleasure of mine that I am probably ranking higher than it deserves. The acting may not be all that strong, but why does that matter in a movie that is about fighting giant alien bugs? It also helps that there is a good amount of social satire in here to spice up the excessive amounts of gore.
  9. 179 Doctor Zhivago A very long, and well-crafted epic that is encompassed in the history of the Bolshevik Revolution. Doctor Zhivago is very grand in its scope, but also is able to narrow down on a smaller, and much more personal story. It is one of the great movies by David Lean.
  10. 180 Monsters Inc The animation is still stellar, and Monsters Inc is a movie that really got overlooked (because of Shrek) the year it came out. Looking back, Monsters Inc is superior to Shrek in nearly every way, by being able to balance out a creative plot, humor, and heartstring pulling moments. Plus, I love the Jazz soundtrack.
  11. 181 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFzkN7iH59I What I love about the trilogy (there are only 3 Indiana Jones movies, despite what some claim about some mythical fourth one) is how much of a fun adventure each of them are. While Temple of Doom is undoubtedly the weakest of the three, it is still great fun to watch time and time again.
  12. 182 The Bourne Identity While the entire trilogy (Jeremy Renner's movie isn't a Bourne movie, Bourne is not in it so I refuse to count it) is invigorating and filled with strong, rich action, this is my personal favorite because of the strong mystery behind it and Bourne's discovery of himself that somewhat lacks in the other two strong installments. The trilogy as a whole though is one of the highlights of the action franchise.
  13. 183 Up Up is a beautifully animated movie with some very powerful scenes, this would have placed higher but what really makes this shine are the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes, and the majority of the plot that gets stuck in the middle is commendable but never soars as high as the few thematic moments the movie touched upon.
  14. 184 Bambi A great coming of age story by Disney, and it's one of my favorite of the classic Disney movies. It is very touching, with animation that still stands strong to view today. Bambi doesn't just have its emotional connection through the obviously well known sad sections, but the revelations, discoveries, and poetic beauty of the world it creates.
  15. 185 sex, lies, and videotapes It was Soderbergh's first film, but also one of his best ones by a good margin. While it may come off as a little pretentious, the cast is phenomenal in their roles, and the dark humor hits the right tone. With some great commentary over the subject matter, sex lies and videotapes is one of the great independent films.
  16. 186 Close Encounters of the Third Kind A very revolutionary movie for the sci-fi genre, it presented a completely new, unthought of take on the aliens at hand, and in my opinion bests E.T. as Spielberg's iconic alien film. It is a finely crafted film and is a great ride that represents one of the best of its genre.
  17. 187 Toy Story While the animation (although groundbreaking for its time) doesn't age all that well, it is rightfully regarded as an animated classic (just maybe not quite the classic some make it out to be). Toy Story is funny, innovative, and movie that spawned a new age of animation.
  18. 188 Risky Business http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqE8HomQbrQ The breakout movie of Tom Cruise, it is funny while also providing a lot more depth than one would think it would bring. Risky Business is not only a really entertaining movie, but it has also turned into a classic that has left a very resonant impact on its genre.
  19. 189 Gypsy (1993) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw0Cm3iY-MU Yes, this is a made for TV movie, and picked this version simply because it's the best movie version of Gypsy that has been made so far, which makes really excited for the Streisand version which will come out sometime because Gypsy is one of my favorite musicals, with some very powerful sequences (such as the Let Me Entertain You sequence which is my favorite part of the show).
  20. People aren't taking the fanbase into account, there is a rush factor. Personally it'll open sub 40, an if it's really front loaded than sub 30
  21. WEEK 6 QUESTIONSDeadline is 11:59PM GMT ON THURSDAY 6TH MARCH. (all answers must contain at least 5 digits such as 10,905 127,860 1,875,240 14,560,920) all questions are for the 3 day weekend1. How much will Frozen make? 3,050,0002. How much will The LEGO MOVIE make? 14,250,0003. How much will Mr Peabody And Sherman make? 32,550,0004. How much will Non-Stop make? 15,400,0005. How much will Son Of God make? 13,200,0006. How much will 300 2: Rise Of An Empire make? 31,450,000 Bonus for +1 The difference between Mr Peabody And Sherman And 300 2's Friday gross? 2,800,000
  22. 190 Steamboat Willie Okay, okay this is a 7 minute short, and so it is definitely a very big stretch for me to put this on a 250 all time movies list, and I promise this is the only short film on here (I really considered Paperman and some of Pixar's shorts though) but Steamboat Willie's influence is to huge to deny, and so it deserves a spot on here.
  23. 191 Lost in Translation This is a culturally and socially relevant movie that serves as a performance showcase and has gone down by many as a 21st century classic. The commentary is smartly dealt with while having a certain tone to it and a theme that is all to important in today's society.
  24. 192 Shadow of a Doubt This was Hitchcock's personal favorite of his movies, and while there are a good number of others from him I prefer, Shadow of a Doubt is just as spectacularly well-made as all of his other films. It is a classic, and it is the film that put Hitchcock on the map as one of the great directors of all time.
  25. 193 Zero Dark Thirty Kathryn Bigelow is turning into one of Hollywood's best directors with her recent movies and Zero Dark Thirty is a testament of that. Being dark, thrilling, and politically relevant, Zero Dark Thirty is well-acted and unapologetic in it's valiant effort to display a factual account of the hunt of Bin Laden.
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