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Posts posted by antovolk

  1. I preferred them using QUANTUM as a new SPECTRE for a new generation. QoS had some nice ideas about it being a shadow organization of businessmen and government officials pulling strings for them to control global events rather than SPECTRE's old route of hijacking nuclear weapons or spacecraft or satellites and holding the world ransom or else.


    Well I don't think it's a spoiler to say that's in a nutshell exactly what SPECTRE is in this film. With one more bit/main objective that I won't mention here because spoilers.



    Was Oberhauser the one in the burned up pic?

    Franz Oberhauser, yes. The older figure between them is Hannes Oberhauser.
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  2. So a question for anyone who knows....Is Spectre the Quantum organisation from Casino Royale and the sequel or is it the original group from the old movies?

    Essentially both. And QoS would've featured SPECTRE if not for rights issues that were only resolved sometime last year which enabled EON to use SPECTRE in the film franchise.

    Look up Kevin McClory Thunderball lawsuit.

    The spoiler answer

    Quantum was a subsidiary of SPECTRE, that's as far as it's mentioned. White is second in command of SPECTRE

    Thread title update plsthxbai

  3. Talking of the "twist":

    the thing is, it's not even a bomb that's dropped unlike some may seem to think it is. It builds up gradually over the course of the film and when Bond DOES come face-to-face with Oberhauser, this is when it comes to a head with Bond subverting it almost completely. So IDK if that whole 'adopted brother' angle can be even deemed to be the twist if it's telegraphed and built up like that. - it's Bond's subversion that's a twist.

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  4. In the first draft of the script when the emails went around. No idea what they made of it in the final shooting draft.

    still there but (MEGA SPOILER)

    but Bond subverts it revealing that he was adopted too in the very same scene the spoiler is dropped and his real name is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. This is essentially the Blofeld origins film, as he even gets the signature disfigurement by the end

  5. A-ha!

    Well played ;P

    Anyway FIXED okayokayokay

    Also the reason why the trailer is debuting at such a strange time (for UK/Europe) -


    Bond is back, and premiering on #Access! Tune in Friday for the WORLD PREMIERE of the @007 #SPECTRE teaser trailer!

    The show starts airing at 7:30pm local time usually, and so they've shown the trailer by 7:45 (that's ET which would be the earliest time zone for the show) and boom.

    They're probably trying very hard to get the US market by doing this and releasing other marketing materials at more US-friendly times...as well as the whole "is it still coming out 2 weeks early in UK" debacle.

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