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Everything posted by FilmBuff

  1. Yeah, I've actually had seen it. It was one of about 10 movies I saw last month. Does that accurately answer your condescending question
  2. La la land will get the biggest boost by far. I could see it getting 10+ nominations, and it's the front runner from what I've seen. Best picture, director, screenplay, actress/actor, costume design, editing, sound mixing/editing, original score and song, cinematography. I could see it claiming 8.
  3. I'm not complaining about the cold. I'm complaining about snow and its many non-rain cousins. I can handle negative temps, but I HATE HATE HATE snow.
  4. Yes considering the south doesn't get much and the city doesn't have a lot of winter equipment. 8 inches here > 2 feet Minneapolis
  5. Saw sing this afternoon. Found Sing was a sweet little movie, and my nephew loved it! Found the messages in the movie really moving and heart. A tad bit predictable and felt like they tried to incorporate too many characters at some points. Found some characters like the elephant and female pig was underutilized. Great song covers. B+
  6. Agreed! One of the worst things a movie can do is make me check my watch halfway through it. I was legitimately bored to death the entirety of the movie. Terrible movie.
  7. Fantastic beasts was a gawd damn trimester abortion on the movie screen. What a boring ass shitty mess this movie was. Incomprehensible shitshow.
  8. Guys!! Amc/AT&T have this amazing deal with a movie pass thing which can you get into a lot of movies at discounted rates or even free. John Campea recommended it awhile ago, and it's something I think people should look into. It allows people like us to see a large amount of movies at cheap rates.
  9. Imo it goes something like this. 1. TFA 2. Avatar 3. Jurassic World 4. The Avengers 5. Shrek 2 6. The Dark Knight 7. Spider-Man 8. DMC
  10. Deadman's chest should be thrown in there somewhere too. It's often forgotten due to a mixed reception.
  11. It pisses me off a future sci-fi classic like Arrival will barely scrape by 100 million dollars. It deserved so much more.
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