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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. I told my gf how much money WW movie is making and she is going all MJ on me with a space walk in booty shorts...mmm booty shorts...
  2. Captain Marvel will be awesome ... it's because of Brie kicking ass and taking names...
  3. Hmm, I just identify myself with Tony since he is also an Andover and MIT man. But Lisa says she like Steve better since he actually loves Diana unlike Tony who is a philanderer. All i can think of is damn you Chris Pine and your jawline.
  4. Oh she has already started calling me Steve Trevor and I am like wtf...I am Tony Stark at a minimum...
  5. Went to see Wonder Woman again with the gf...excellent movie but with a hot sexy gf makes its 100x better...
  6. I really think $0.3B is doable...I am tracking it to see if it can break BvS''s back but that seems too much even for the girl with never ending legs...
  7. The trick is to keep the expectations real low...like when you are screwing a super religious girl...
  8. You really are a young me. Have you thought about going into banking?
  9. Jeez...grabbing a night cap at the hotel bar and this cute girl just played the Game of Thrones theme perfectly at the piano... Time to see if she can do the Wonder Woman theme...
  10. Coming from someone who liked Power Rangers move than JW2...kinda lose all credibility on the character front...
  11. @God Emperor Tele is crazy. Watching John Wick 2 again and it's easily one of the best movies of the year.
  12. Ahh I see...I will say Igers pretty cool... I wanted him to optimize ESPN (aka fire even more people) and he actually said they already know and will keep the shareholders in the loop...always like a CEO who acknowledges the excess...
  13. They are treating it as different movies and all that financial stuff. Got Iger's confirmation on that between me bitching about ESPN.
  14. Wuss. I want the whole orgasmic experience of all superhero's being shown against Thanos and/or Darkseid. If the danger is big enough, then they will all come out of the wood work. SS was assisine for that reason alone. All that shift going down and WW or Batman don't come? Bollocks.
  15. This was the worst Flash season yet...saw the twist coming from a mile away... I swear when at the end when Catilyn said she was something else...I was like I know, you are the green arrow...
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