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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. F*ck America is slacking...We need to get Regal/AMC/IMAX to build one bigger... Make America Great Again!
  2. The biggest movie (and coincidentally last as well) I remember seeing there was SW7 and my god it was amazing. When Rey lighted up the saber, the entire theater erupted in hooting and hollering.
  3. At thus point, she needs Jon and the north. Havent they said that the in the north, each man fights like 10? Not to mention you have Vale up there as well who are probably the most untouched by all the wars.
  4. Finally saw it and great episode. I think Dany is about to f*ck this pussyfooting shit and unleash the dragons.
  5. The school start times are all over the place in America and largely depends on the state/districts and private/public. I went to a private school in south Florida and we used to have a massive summer break (get off early may and not return till labor day) but our winter and spring breaks were pretty short.
  6. Yep...I am ready to be back to my beloved Boston... Couple of weeks in Auckland to smooth things over with the in-laws (due to us eloping) and then to the US...gonna have a big pizza and Sam Adams as soon as I land...
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