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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. I thought the spoiler stuff was only for leaked episodes. Will update the posts though just in case.
  2. Too many Nolanites on this forum/internet for that not to happen. He could release something pure shit and they would still line up to jack him off.
  3. The Mrs liked Dunkirk more than me but she even said once was enough for her. We both enjoyed Valerian a lot more today even though it was a "weaker" film by most stretches.
  4. I was pretty indifferent to Dunkirk but I have never been one to rile folks up - at least not that much. Let the ones who liked it enjoy its success. Will see Valerian tomorrow and hope I like it better.
  5. So Dunkirk...that was interesting...I just could tell it was very well made and beautifully shot... Ultimately though and probably in the minority but boring is the word I would use...
  6. It was a good episode...a bit slow but usually season openers are trying to set everything up...
  7. You guys take some of this shit too seriously...its not like the studios are profit sharing their BO returns with any of us...well I guess a few of us are stockholders but you get the point...
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