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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. Yea we ended up seeing it 4 times and she's still hinting about going for a 5th time. It's a good movie but seeing it twice would have been enough for me.
  2. I would love for Apes to do well but I would love it even more if Spidey won the weekend... Urgh...so conflicted...
  3. F*ck that shit...lets open up that can... Marvel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DC
  4. Maybe I am biased but I knew Cap and Tony way before the movies... Favorite Superheroes ranking time: 1. Cap 2. Spidey 3. Tony 4. CK 5. Bruce
  5. A tleast your looks like it is planned out pretty well. Mine was so half-assed and we ended up eloping so everything became so wild. It pissed off both of our parents to no end which I enjoyed though.
  6. Never! If you follow the superhero tripe then you must suffer in silence while she wonders where you disappear for periods at a time.
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