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Posts posted by ACSlater

  1. 6 minutes ago, Dark 33Legend of the Sith said:

    I agree. TFA gets better on multiple viewings.  That first time you are watching something you are anticipating greatly it's hard to absorb everything.  2nd and 3rd time seeing it was amazing.


    Agreed whole heartedly...finally saw it for the first time earlier today and after all this build up, I loved it bit its hard to absorb everything since half of you is just amazed seeing this on the big screen again...

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Rman823 said:

    Well finished A New Hope for the first time and I have to say it was definitely a 10/10. Can't believe I put it off all these years. On to Empire. 


    Yea doing the original trilogy marathon right now before seeing TFA for the first time tomorrow...


    Sweet Jesus the past week has been pure hell...


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