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Posts posted by ACSlater

  1. How are their endings any way similar? :blink:


    Basically if the ending is real or fake...


    After TC is placed in the statis like thing, there's a comment that visions, dreams and other stuff may come to him while in the stasis...so the fact that it all ends happily ever after is kind of up in the air in my view...not to mention how his ex-wife magically goes through all that to rescue him...seems almost like TC is dreaming of how it should play out...

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  2. I was the usher at my theatre today and the people I talked to actually all said they enjoyed the movie.



    its NOT BAD


    you just won't be WOW!!!


    It's not terrible though






    It really isn't.



    So just got back from Terminator...My expectations were low but overall I thought it was pretty decent...Just seeing Arnold back as the Terminator was worth the ticket price...

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  3. I disagree, I for 1 loved Ted but I'm not that bothered about going to see the sequel. If it looked great then I would. Ted is meant to be an offensive stoner teddy bear yet the whole story of him proving himself to be contributing to society is just a little too much for me. They could have thought of something much better

    The movie was more about what it means/constitutes to be a individual person. Some good allegories there but the movie just couldn't make it work.

  4. I love LAST CRUSADE, but I agree with TServo. The return to the Nazis and a Christian relic feels a bit like warmed-over RAIDERS with a lighter touch. Now, it's really damn good warmed-over RAIDERS, but still...

    I think after all the complaints they got for Temple of Doom being so dark, they just returned to the roots and made it even lighter and more humor.

    Frankly I am fine with it. It's not a Indiana Jones movie with him putting an ass whooping on the Nazis.

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