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Posts posted by ACSlater

  1. The Wall arc is going to be interesting next season.


    Since we haven't even wrapped up some Book 3 material for the Wall, they're going to have to rush through a bunch of stuff if they want the Ides of Night Watch to be the plot cliffhanger.


    But I can't wait for the early season Jon/Stannis snarkfests. One of the best parts of Book 5


    I also curious on how they handle Jon/Stannis...

    especially things Stannis offers to Jon (legitimization, etc) for Jon's Northern support...hopefully they handle it well especially juxtaposed to Jon being elected to Lord Commander...

  2. I think they have set up things pretty well for season 4...One thing I am interested is in how much King's Landing they can have next season since book 4 and 5 mostly deal with other things (wall, mereen, etc) and the show definitely prefers KL over other locations...


    Watching the encore by the way...Jon Snow has some great moments/scenes in this episode...

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  3. That was an odd choice for the final scene, considering there were three much more "ending-worthy" scenes beforehand.



    But oh man, the reader freakouts are going to be hilarious because of the following non-inclusions:


    No Lady Stoneheart reveal

    No Tysha conversation between Jaime and Tyrion and then Tywin


    They also are really slow-playing the Wall storyline. Jon Snow and Crew still have stuff from the third book to get through.


    They didn't even have Stannis offer to legitimize Jon as Lord of Winterfell.


    Yea for me your first two points

    (Stoneheart and Tysha)

    is what I found mainly missing...also I thought they might sneak in

    Jon Snow becoming commander since in the show all of night's watch already follows him


  4. Maybe parents are just sick of taking their children to animated movies, never mind animated sequels.Let's face it, kids like everything. It's up to the grown ups who have to endure these films constantly if they can be arsed sitting through yet another cartoon.


    The ones that seem to open well and then have good legs are the one which can play up the comedic element at least in the marketing...I didn't see that from Dragons trailers/marketing...

  5. wtf on Saturday estimates!!!  so I was thinking about why the box office is so low.  Remember before May last year when it seemed summer 2013 was going to break records and be the biggest all time.  We had Iron Man 3, Star Trek, FF6, Hangover 3, Epic in May with a little Gatsby squeezed in.  Then Will Smith, Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn etc etc.  It just seemed so prime.  And alot of money was spent.  But remember the backlash??  All the movies got a sucky response.  Some liked FF6 most, others claimed STID was barely their favorite.  then August kind of wore out.  I wonder if this backlash was applied to this year with (better reviewed) May's blockbusters.  Perhaps August will become red hot!


    Just in time...


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