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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Added to the queue. Not a guarantee that it'll get watched (my queue tends to be well over 200 most of the time) but I'll take it into consideration.
  2. I believe Russian Ark is up on Netflix at the moment. I think I have it in my queue but haven't watched it, yet.
  3. When I saw Hulk (the Ang Lee one) a guy behind me answered his phone and started talking very loudly. I asked him to leave the theater if it was so important, but he refused. Unfortunately, when I went to get an usher, they didn't do anything about it. My friends were worried the guy might start a fight after the movie.
  4. I'm watching The Pirate Fairy, which is probably a far better Peter Pan prequel than WB's Pan could ever hope to be.
  5. No, that's the best type of fudging. At the most, they're not going to be anything more than $999 off, which is pretty miniscule. And that's presuming that they always fudge up rather than down. It's a miniscule amount in the grand scheme of things.
  6. My favorite whacked out release date will always be this: http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=omen666.htm
  7. The 4th itself tends to not be a great movie-going day, because people are usually at parties and barbeques and fireworks shows. But because it is a holiday, the surrounding days are usually vacation days, even if the 4th falls on a weekend. So those days can receive a boost at the box office.
  8. Sunday and Monday have been used, though. Usually when Christmas day falls on either: http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=warhorse.htm http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=blackchristmas.htm
  9. Welp, I'm out on errands for the next several hours. If y'all could give me 44 likes before I return, that'd be fucking awesome of you.
  10. I don't think there's a risk of "all movies". Especially as long as they're limiting the number of imports. But since those tend to be the biggest blockbusters, there is the risk that the top end will get dumb... er. Some exceptions of course. Things that have no real-world bearing, for instance, can probably avoid such an issue. And there's a positive possibility: it could mean more Chinese actors and actresses may get cast in the big films, which offsets the normal way of having a bunch of white people headlining everything.
  11. Yeah. For directors familiar with the environment they can come up with really creative ways to get around that. Hollywood, especially blockbuster Hollywood, isn't going to get any of that nuance, so they'll just play it super safe and pander. Either that, or they'll just insert new footage exclusively for the market. I'm not sure which bothers me more, actually.
  12. Not bad in and of itself, but it's problematic that any such film is also completely non-critical of the Chinese government in order to secure such a release. I don't think that's good for a healthy creative environment. Granted, there are several other issues with Hollywood that are problems for a healthy creative environment, so it's not likely to be a major problem.
  13. If they're going with 26 for the 3day and 36 for the 5day, it'll earn either 2 or 3m on Thursday, based off the 7-8m Wednesday estimate they're touting. If they're going with 33 for the 5-day, that means Thursday will either be at 0 or will somehow cause it to lose a million. Fantastic math, Deadline. Just fucking fantastic.
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