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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. I know that some movie theaters schedule specific screenings for people on the spectrum or other sensory issues. The sound isn't turned all the way up and the house lights don't dim completely. I like that those accommodations exist. But I also know that such screenings aren't always available or convenient. When I see families like that, I often wonder if there will be a disruption or not. Most of the time, there isn't, but even if there is... they have a right to buy a ticket and see a movie, the same as me.
  2. My nephew likes Marvel movies. I took him and his friends to see Apocalypse and he enjoyed it. My niece says she likes musicals and animated movies, but she didn't want to go see Moana with me, even after I told her that LMM did the songs.
  3. One of my favorite theater experiences was when my dad and I took my niece and nephew to see Bolt. The twins were five or six or so. Going to the movie was my idea; I'd already seen the film, and figured that they'd like it. My dad agreed so we bundled them up in the car and head to the movie. When we get there, my nephew had a little meltdown and didn't want to go in. He told us he'd stay in the car while we watched the movie. Now, note that it's the middle of December in northern Indiana, so the ambient temperature was probably around 20 degrees or so. Not a chance we can leave him in the car, even if we trusted him to just sit tight. So we cajoled and convinced him it would be fine. We get them a snack and go in and sit down. My niece and I in one row, my nephew sitting in my dad's lap behind us. I tried a bite of my nieces cotton candy and wondered what fresh hell I'd put in my mouth, because it was vile. This might have been the moment when I realized that taste buds change over time. And we watched the movie. My niece might have asked a question or two. At one point she leaned over and said she had to go to the bathroom, so I took her to it and we went back in. After it finished, the kids were both excited about what they'd seen. "Can we get it on DVD?" was my nephew's first question when we got out of the theater. So, y'know crisis averted. They also really liked the Monsters vs. Aliens trailer. A few years ago I asked my nephew if he remembered this and not wanting to go in. "Yeah, I was scared!" he said. I try to take them to see a movie whenever I see them, although now that they're teens, they're less inclined to go see Disney stuff with me.
  4. I gotta agree with Tele, here. At times, mostly for money-saving purposes, I've gone to see a lot of matinees, and I go to see a lot of animated films. Kids talk. Sometimes it's annoying, sure, sometimes it actually becomes part of the experience. What kids are reacting to, positively or negatively, can tell you a lot about the film.
  5. I think we've found the reason for your omnipresent relationship drama, Ethan.
  6. Especially since Nolan actually seems to have a clue about how and when to use the format. I'll never forget watching Revenge of the Fallen, excited for the second major blockbuster to use IMAX footage after TDK, and being dumbfounded that there wasn't a single shot of the giant robot on top of a pyramid in IMAX... but a random shot of a dude waving a fighter jet to take off from an aircraft carrier? That made it in. Of course, the film kinda blew its load earlier, with the Optimus vs. a million Decepticons scene. But even that wasn't clear of the aspect ratio changes, because it was interspersed with shots of the Autobots racing to try and help Optimus... and it's in that moment that the relative incompetence that Bay had with the format came all the way around and became almost brilliant. Because every time the ratio changed to normal widescreen with these shots of ChevyTM cars racing along, it gave a sense of urgency and speed to it all that I don't think could have come across nearly as well. (I don't really know, though, since I've never seen it again since that original IMAX viewing... at least I don't think I have.) It actually worked for me to such a degree that I'd almost think Bay planned it. But then, random aircraft carrier shot, and I have to think, nope, he's just winging it. ... Come to think of it, wasn't Optimus fighting in a forest and the Autobots racing along in a desert? Wasn't all of this somewhere in the general vicinity of Washington DC? How the fuck did any of that work?
  7. I'm not sure what's more shocking... that this is the 4th wide release this summer to hit below 20% on RT.. or the fact that it's still not the worst reviewed wide release.
  8. Perhaps: 6.25 Tuesday 4.5 Wednesday 4.25 Thursday 7 Friday 10 Saturday 7.5 Sunday
  9. Because like many people on the forum, kowhite is a soulless husk of a person who only finds happiness in the failure of others. Also, because it's fucking hilarious.
  10. That seems excessively high, especially for a film that didn't seem to be so heavily father skewing. Over the past several years, dad-skewing titles tend to have larger Monday drops, and can get above 65%, but even in such cases, that's not super common. We should see the biggest drops go to The Mummy, PotC5, and GotG2 today. Wonder Woman and Megan Leavy should have slightly smaller drops. Things like Rough Night should have pretty modest drops.
  11. I was kinda surprised to see that the Mondays after Father's Day don't seem to get really large drops, which you'd normally expect after an inflated Sunday.
  12. Guessing something like... 5.25 Monday 6.75 Tuesday 4.75 Wednesday 4.5 Thursday 7.5 Friday 11 Saturday 8.5 Sunday 323-324 by then.
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