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Everything posted by LABAS

  1. Update: TOHO by 2 pm 32340 admissions Last Saturday : 29121
  2. I think your number is not correct. TOHOサイト上映25分前販売数:20140322 (14:30 集計)販売数 座席数 回数 作品名27436 57826 169 アナと雪の女王(日本語吹替版)*2622 *8400 *37 アナと雪の女王(字幕版) *1258 *2395 **7 アナと雪の女王 (3D・字幕版・ATMOS・TCX) *1114 *2271 **5 アナと雪の女王(3D・字幕版) 27436+2622+1258+1114= 32340 Last Saturday was 29121
  3. Thanks for correction. So, why does not Aeon provide any daily statistics like admission ?
  4. Today is a discount day for a couple (2 for 2000 Yen) in 109 cinema chain Maybe we can see some boost today.
  5. Today is a discount day for a couple (2 for 2000 Yen) in 109 cinema chain (the second biggest ). Maybe we can see some boost today.
  6. A Japanese movie sequel screens today and this film is well-known to the audience. Thus, Frozen has to give some of its seats and screens to this film. However, this movie is only heated this morning because of the opening celebration of its actor/ actress in TOHO. After that, Frozen dominated and this movie gave away some big screens to Frozen.
  7. Update TOHO by 10 pm Frozen is going crazy today. The admissions is 68297 Last Saturday: 59121 Sunday 64414 Less seats and screens, crazier and unstoppable
  8. Japan TOHO update by 2 PM Today: 33278 Last Satruday: 29121
  9. BTW, the royal family went to see Frozen with May J yesterday . After this, the seats in that theater are almost sold out tomorrow. This is good, coz this newly-opened TOHO theater only screens 3D Frozen.
  10. People say that tomorrow's TOHO presales are as good as last Sunday...
  11. Frozen is all the rage in Japan now. Accompanied by May J ( the singer of Let it go pop version ),the royal family went to see Frozen in the movie theater.
  12. Gentlemen can enjoy the discount on TOHO day (14th , every month ) and the movie day (1st, every month )
  13. It looks like the showtimes decreases by 6.6 % However, the total seats increases.
  14. No, that's why we need to look at TOHO numbers to make some guess.
  15. TOHO opens a new theater in TOKYO. I check its screening schedule, finding that on Friday (national holiday )this theater will give Frozen eight showtimes from 9:00 am to 2:30 am (midnight). In this theater, Frozen will be played in the form of 3D with highest audio equipment.
  16. Japan Update" by 22:00 in Japan TOHO , biggest chain yesterday : 21531 today: 43281 (+100% )
  17. Japan Update" TOHO yesterday : 21531 today: 43281 (+100% )
  18. But today is a Ladies day. Women can spend 1000 yen (was 1300 ) to buy a ticket. So, I think $ 1.5 will be a more realistic assumption.
  19. This is admissions. The showtimes changes on every Friday.
  20. 109 Movie chains: Yesterday:2398 Today: 5042 KINEZO Yesterday:1780 Today: 3482 Not only TOHO, every chian increase 100% from yesterday.
  21. Japan Update: TOHO this afternoon: Today: 21854 admissins ( + 100% from Tuesday ) yesterday: 10976
  22. It differs. I just want to say Frozen is doing pretty well. Let's take a look at the number of Doroamen (The machine cat) It's opening Saturday is 42000 admissions However, the next Monday is 2300.... Only 1/20 !! So amazing, isn't it ? But number explodes again on that Saturday again. So, for most animations in Japan, they do pretty well on weekends but poor performance on weekdays.
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