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Posts posted by Rsyu

  1. Beating Conan is just a bonus. It's more important how well it holds compared to the previous week.

    Even if Frozen loses top spot to Conan but holds well (sub 10% drop say) that's still a success.

    Of course now that we've seen 14:30 toho numbers I think everyone's hoping for something more along the lines of last week's hold (sub 5% drop) but really a sub 10% hold would still be pretty ridiculous for a film in it's sixth week. Still have to wait for 19:00 toho numbers to say for sure but if the afternoon toho numbers hold or day I say increase sat-sun, this weekend could still end up grossing higher than the opening weekend. Let that last line sink in :D

  2. corpse: 

    Here is how Detective Conan and Frozen are comparing to one another an hour before noon at five popular Toho Cinemas in the nation:

    Tickets Sold (as of 11AM) / Tickets Available (%) 

    1,242/2,119 (58.6%) - Detective Conan
    703/1,569 (44.8%) - Frozen

    1,344/1,639 (82.0%) - Frozen
    992/1,170 (84.7%) - Detective Conan

    1,472/3,780 (38.9%) - Detective Conan
    685/2,406 (28.5%) - Frozen

    1,619/4,749 (34.1%) - Detective Conan
    869/3,658 (23.8%) - Frozen

    1,116/2,488 (44.9%) - Detective Conan
    985/1,949 (39.6%) - Frozen

    Overall (as of 11AM):
    6,441/14,306 (45.0%) - Detective Conan
    4,586/11,221 (40.8%) - Frozen

    • Like 3
  3. if only 100 people go the last showing w 200 seats or 600 seats, no difference. But 300 more seats go to waste.More showtimes/screens during the popular time of day provides more availablity for someone who just missed the 12pm but 230 is too late because they have to be somewhere at 4pm. 1pm is now available! Better use of seats. Thats why they broke up the big theaters into multiplexes 30years ago..its conceivable that 350 of 500 are sold at 12pm vs two 200 seat sellouts that occur at 12 and 1pm. Less seats, but more times, more tickets.


    Yes and this is why I mentioned seat saturation and demand. As you say the diversifying of time can be helpful to bring in more potential viewers and if the smaller screens can get packed then losing the big screens might not matter so much.

    In the end it all still depends on how many people decide to see Frozen over Conan. 

  4. The key point I'm guessing would be the seat saturation(for want of a better term) of each screening. 

    Having more screenings is pretty pointless if the number of actual viewers is low. A 50% full big screen could be bigger than a 60% multiple smaller screens for example. 

    If the demand is there though, and enough people still choose to see frozen over Conan, then an increase of showtimes should see frozen hold very well.

  5. CA2 drops 51.2% from LW

    Thor dropped 45.6% from previous week on the same day of release


    It has been a very sad  few days in Korea, there has been a terrible ferry accident with many still missing. 

    Thoughts and prayers go to everyone who was on Sewol and to their families  :(

    • Like 3
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK2v3EpWCjQ


    Japanese singer May J (let it go  pop version version ) and Hans  sang together with 500+ fans

    on TV (This link only has the voice, no image) to promote the April 26  sing-along verision.


    Posted Image



    I prefer the Japanese movie version of let it go but that's a great promotional effort nonetheless :) It would be totally awesome if sing-along caught along in Japan 


    By the way are you Japanese? You always bring us these awesome info!!

  7. that number does seem high. It has come in high in the past. I wonder if there are some numbers that lag from the previous week or late actuals.We finally we have a week over week increase. I think next week the drops will be smaller. Conan only did 2.6m midweek last year and Frozen will be strapping on rocket boosters next Saturday.


    Yeah late actuals makes sense I guess, but the total tally is real enough. TF3 WW to fall by saturday or sunday.

    Next week TASM2 is released in Japan. Tasm1 opened pretty big ($7.4M) so it isn't just conan frozen has to deal with.

  8. CA:TWS -50% drop from LW

    Thor:TDW on the same day of release dropped -48.5% from the previous week. admission numbers are pretty similar too. 

    Hoping CA2's weekend numbers are stronger :)


    Previous weekend drops for CA2 have been -34.7% on the 2nd weekend  & -39.3% on the third. if it manages another subpar 40% drop it will do 228K+ admissions. 

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