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Posts posted by Rsyu

  1. YES

    Toho....Today Afternoon

    *1714 *5975 *28 Frozen (English)*1182 31178 159 クレヨンしんちゃん2014 ガチンコ!逆襲のロボとーちゃん*1069 10720 *62 キャプテン・アメリカ ウィンター・ソルジャー (字幕版)*1018 20046 118 クローズEXPLODE**871 *7163 *56 チーム・バチスタFINAL ケルベロスの肖像**777 *2418 *14 8月の家族たち**738 *7054 *57 白ゆき姫殺人事件


    if there is any pre-gw effect, how can Frozen English  alone with the least seats defeat all the other movies except Conan..


    I was about to say "wtf frozen didn't beat conan?" then realised you said just english alone :P whew!

    Movie managers should just give frozen the most seats this weekend and watch the money roll in :) easiest money ever. 


    When can we expect weekend seats numbers?

  2. I only read the first five books but I really liked the first three and the others certainly weren't bad. The story was refreshingly original and it was cool how Colfer handled the interaction between the fairy world with modern-day society. How many books did the series ultimately take?


    8 in all, the first three are the best definitely! :) The plots are always ingenious though which is what I like about the books.  

    • Like 1
  3. That would be an awesome casting choice! Only problem is that he will shortly be too old for the part (I believe Artemis is only like 10 in the first book). I had heard of serious talks of an adaptation being in the works a few years back but evidently nothing came of them. Apparently Disney own some piece of the movie rights though so maybe something could be on the horizon in the not-too-distant future  :)


    Well, he did appear as ender in ender's game last year which takes place when he was 6-10 ish. But considering nothing is in the works for artemis fowl atm I agree he would be too old for a future potential film. Missed opportunity :( 

    The book series is finished so hope something materializes soon!

    • Like 1
  4. Hi guys :


    My friend and I spent time visiting TOHO's website to do a brief calculation of this weekend's Frozen seats.


    Last Saturday: 141222


    This Saturday : around 125000


    So, at least in TOHO, Frozen lost 11% seats , which is much better than I have heard.


    11% is not a big deal , what counts is how many people do want to pick Frozen over other new movies.


    This is pretty awesome if they keep it at this number. Is there any way you can do the same calculation with Aeon cinema theaters?

  5. At the same time you have to wonder, why would it matter to them? It's an overseas market for which data is hard to come by. They are obviously more focused on the DOM market.


    Well it's only the difference between passing IM3 WW or not. if that isn't important...

    I can understand it not being all that important to the average BO tracker but come on, tracking numbers is a job to these guys. 

    But I wasn't really out to criticize them for it, I just wanted to emphasize that the people tracking frozen here are doing an awesome job :)

  6. The Amazing Spider-man 2 (Released tomorrow!)


    Posted Image


    Coming on the back of a deflated April a lot of eyes are on TASM2 and whether it will signal a revival of a stagnating Korean Box office. Presales are already better then they were for The Amazing Spider-man 1 which opened to a huge $10.9M. Of course TASM1 had the advantage of being released in late July, one of the busiest movie going periods of the year, but with a one week holiday coming up in early May, TASM2 could get a solid early boost with which to build on. 


    Current presales: 94,276 (59.3% share)

    TASM1 presales one day before release: 69,606(58.2%)


    Spider-man franchise gross / admissions

    1. The Amazing Spider-man (2012): $36m / 4.85M

    2. Spider-man (2002): $16.9M / #no data

    3. Spider-man 2 (2004): $13M / 1.5M

    4. Spider-man 3 (2007): $34M / 4.6M

    • Like 6
  7. I did mention it along with TASM2 and Roman 2 when we were talking about competitions for April 26. The first movie made more than 4b yen, and the second one made more than 3b yen, so I included this as one of the movies with a chance to make more than 3b yen ($30m), and would probably affect Frozen. But people seem to ignore it and focus more on the other two so it has never mentioned again since.

    I seem to have a selective memory :) apologies
  8. How did HTTYD perform in Korea?Can‘t understand why it didn’t even catch up with half a billion WW, while the big-eyed cat by the same Dreamworks got more.


    It grossed $25M, eight highest animated film in admissions. 

    Yeah I feel the same, I liked puss in boots well enough but HTTYD was a much better film.

    Shrek was a popular franchise so I guess that had a say in it. 

    HTTYD2 should build well on the existing fanbase this time round though

  9. I'm curious how GotG will do in SK and Japan I really hope that that movie is a success so that marvel continues digging into its deeper cuts instead of just doing a ton of Cap, IM, and Thor (though I would still love a ton of Cap, IM, and Thor)


    I'm pretty sceptical about it's chances in Japan. CBM outside of Spiderman tend to do badly from what I gather

    Interest is low in Korea too, the majority of people have never heard of it before. most of the anticipation right now is for HTTYD2, AoE and DoFP. 

    never say never though....

    • Like 1
  10. How about Avengers 2 ? Part of the scenes is filmed in Korea. Will this boost its sale ?

    Most definately. AoU will be huge here, it could challenge avatar I think (13.3m admissions) I can't wait to track that run :DStill, success for avengers is expected, but no one expected frozen to do what it did in korea. Japan is the same I think...Or maybe east asia in general. China+sk+Japan will gross $300m+ Which will be around 1/4 of total gross...crazy!
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