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Everything posted by Rorschach

  1. I'm starting when the year 8 oscars are over and when year 9 begins.
  2. Holy crap. I am bad at wording what I'm trying to say. I apologize on my behath. Yes, I claim the rights to the1964 Rudolph special. Sad about Slendy. Don't know how my story about him (kind of) will continue. No Starship Troopers rights. I change my mind.
  3. Rukaio, could you lend me Alpha's rights for Tom Sawyer?
  4. Cool Gif though. That would be awesome in 3D.
  5. Okay.Slenderman in real life is not copyrighted. I don't think I'll use him much though. He's more of a supporting character, with some cameos and some cool Easter eggs, to a series that is much more unversed in the Creepypasta universe.I'm thinking about splitting Watchmen into multiple films, because there is so much content in it that could split it into multiple movies (a Tales of the Black Freighter story, the minutemen, and the origins of the Watchmen).I plan on making a trilogy for Revelations, kind of like Lord of the Rings.I mis-worded what I tried to say about Ben Franklin. I meant I wanna be the first person in the history of ever to make the first good Ben Franklin movie.Friday the 13th. Thank you! :)With recent remake bombs like Total Recall and Robocop, I think it's for the best I claim Starship Troopers. All they are doing are stupid straight-to-DVD sequels and I don't think it'll happen.Since the Jackass franchise ended, with the sad death of Ryan Dunn , I want to reboot it with a totally different cast of unknowns.King Kong, more of an origin story than an actual remake is what I'm thinking of.I love Kubrick. Why would I try and do it better than him? Besides, his was a HUGE departure from the book. I plan on being more faithful.That's all.Actually I have a few other franchises: Mighty Joe YoungRen and StimpyRudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
  6. My bad. I completely mis worded what I was trying to say. Just a Ben Franklin movie. No other ones.
  7. Nice. I haven't started the game yet but come time after the year 8 oscars, I will be prepared!Franchises I (kind of) claim!:-The Five Ancestors-Calvin and Hobbes-Big Nate-Jeff the Killer and Jeff vs. Jane -Since the Slenderman (in real life) isn't copyrighted by anyone specific, I'll cautiously claim him)-Watchmen-The chapter of Revelations from the Bible-Anything on Ben Franklin-Police Academy reboot-Ed, Edd, n Eddy-Friday the 13th-Ben Drowned-Psychosis-Starship Troopers-Jackass-King Kong-Diary of a Wimpy Kid-William Golding's Lord of the Flies-Maniac Magee-The Last book in the universe-TTYl and it's sequels, ttfn and l8r g8r-The Rake-Candle Cove-Lost Episodes Creepypastas -Ansai's Goatman story-Abandoned by Disney and Room Zero- The Cave-The Shining and Doctor SleepAll I've got...so far.
  8. Well, the academy are suckers for historical and period movies.
  9. I'll just sit out and wait for year 9. Seems like you guys are pretty stacked right now. Got some material coming here very soon.
  10. Where do I start. Or should I say enter the game?
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