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Eric Prime

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Everything posted by Eric Prime

  1. Honestly, I'm kind of glad the weekend threads are shorter and breezier. They're quick to read through, and there's no annoying arguments that go on through endless circles. This thread could have easily been a nightmare, especially with certain people bringing up critic conspiracies and agendas and how Venom was purposefully given bad reviews in an attempt to make the film flop or whatever the heck those mouthbreathers are blabbering on about, but with how weak this thread was, it basically came and went after an hour. Although I don't know how long that peace will last. FB2's weekend thread seems like a given to be a nightmare, since no matter if it does well or poor, there are going to be a lot of Depp debates, which will be...not fun. Bohemian Rhapsody could also get yucky with Bryan Singer. We're lucky Alita moved, because the Christmas thread would have been nothing but DCEU and Cameron fanboys being annoying for 100+ pages. Grinch weekend might also have the weirdo Illumination stans come out of the woodwork and whine at people who dare say anything bad about the movie because God forbid anyone say anything bad about a children's movie. Hell, First Man's thread could also become toxic, because if that movie underperforms (which I wouldn't be surprised at), we'll likely get a bunch of racist assholes come out of the woodworks and be all "WELL IF CHAZELLE SHOWED THE FLAG PLANTING THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN A HIT FUCKING LEFTIST HOLLYWOOD MYEH MYEH MYEH MYEH MYEH" All I'm saying is that I'm going to enjoy these types of weak threads while I still can.
  2. Is Cruise really a draw though, at least in the States? The last non-MI movie he was in that made $100M was Edge of Tomorrow, and past that, it was War of the Worlds.
  3. When I got the first trailer for Creed II in front of Jurassic World and Ant-Man, both times my theater were loudly and excitedly chatting to each other when the trailer ended. Granted I live in a suburban area near Philadelphia, but there seems to be a real sense of genuine excitement for this, way more than I would have expected.
  4. Also, I should mention that Gosling's performance definitely isn't showy. It's very good, but pretty underplayed. But with Bohemian Rhapsody's "eh" reception from Kyle Buchanan and Anne Thompson, as well as Old Man & The Gun's mediocre box office, the only other competitors left are Bale, Cooper, Mortensen, Eastwood, Lucas Hedges (a longshot from a movie that doesn't have a lot going for it), John David Washington (Adam Driver has gotten better ink) and Ethan Hawke (from a movie that nobody watched). I think Gosling will sneak in a la Kaluuya.
  5. Best Actress was competitive that year. Best Actor this year isn't, especially with tepid WOM of Bohemian Rhapsody recently coming out.
  6. I can also see Sam Elliott riding the film on its coattails and finding a way to a nomination. He's not in the movie for long, but he's easily gotten the most to chew on when it comes to the supporting cast, and with this film expecting to sweep so many categories already, he could join in too. Also helps that Supporting Actor's a pretty barren slate this year.
  7. Anecdotal of course, but whenever I talk to my parents about movies, the one thing they keep asking me is when Bohemian Rhapsody comes out. I've also seen a lot of excitement from my own circle of friends and a lot of the Facebook groups I'm a part of. Don't see Han's lofty predictions, but I feel like a 40M opening and a total similar to SOC seems about right.
  8. Gaga fans might have made the film more presales-driven. When it comes to 8, almost all the actresses skew towards older audiences, or at the very least those who don't buy tickets right away. Even with Rihanna, she was far from the focal point of the film's marketing. Little Monsters are so crazy in love with Gaga they went out of their way to make bots to create fake Venom reviews on Twitter.
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