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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. Not as good as the first movie, but still very fun. Definitely some good jokes, if not as creative, and I loved Haddish’s character. Also has nice themes of childhood and even gender stereotypes. Got a very sweet ending too. Easily the best out of all the Lego continuations
  2. To be fair, most of the Best Picture nominees are either not in theaters or already out on digital. And with stuff like ASIB and BR, the people who wanted to see it likely already have months ago. And of the only movies in theaters not on digital, Green Book is the only one that has any appeal towards general moviegoers (Vice is diviceive, Favourite is very esoteric).
  3. The Upside's been following the performance of The Bucket List to a tee (minus Bucket's limited debut). It might even outpace Glass by the end. Don't think anyone expected that to happen.
  4. Further proof of the people's love for elephants. This is gonna explode!
  5. @aabattery @grim22 main thread
  6. @aabattery @grim22 Crazy to think that July 2020 has two things Reddit bros will be excited for.
  7. Get that wack-ass capeshit outta here. Papa Nolan's too good for that trash. (The Dark Knight movies aren't capeshit, they're art. I don't make the rules here)
  8. The big issue is that the Dunkirk thread was made 22 months before the movie came out. This thread got made 18 months before the movie comes out. That's a pretty big gap.
  9. The one and only benefit to TLJ backlash was having so many people on BOT leave or barely post. Now, little guys like me can take over and farm for some spicy reactions.
  10. btw @aabattery stop changing my title. I specifically made this thread so that I can vandalize it anyway I please.
  11. I'm really proud of myself for not being so desperate for likes. Now I've been hitting the top 5 consistently for months. Pretty soon I'll beat out Tele and be the king of BOT.
  12. The Farewell's getting great reviews too. Awkwafina's coming for the Oscah
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