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Eric is Anxious

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Everything posted by Eric is Anxious

  1. I just realized something: Where's the Ratchet and Clank movie? Sony keeps saying "early 2015", and outside of a teaser and an E3 trailer, there hasn't been anything else, and it's almost November.
  2. Pretty much. Fox president at the time enjoyed the script, but didn't approve of it, but Seth didn't want to restart everything, so he abandoned the project. But I believe WAG is planning to make a Flintstones animated movie produced by Will Ferrel and Adam McKay. That sounds pretty cool. And I know WAG has other movies besides Lego, but I can't remember off the top of my head what they're called or what they're about.
  3. Well, doing more research, Tootsie and Beverly Hills Cop beat it by a week. 13 in a row. Jesus! But they are. Everything was better in the 90s: Sorry, I just adore this video!
  4. And speaking of which, Home Alone was #1 for 12 weeks? Holy guacamole!!
  5. Don't know how to do it, but here's the link.
  6. file:///Users/prime/Desktop/Screen%20shot%202014-10-24%20at%203.52.20%20PM.png Oh lord, this RT consensus is golden.
  7. Weird that 80s girl cartoons are suddenly getting a revival? MLP, Rainbow Brite, Jem...interesting.
  8. So Mojo's dead, then not dead, then maybe dead again? Am I dead? Are you dead? Is he dead? Is she dead? WHAT?!
  9. So this weekend is a battle against Gone Girl, Dracula, and Alexander. I'm really loving this October: lots of fights for #1 seem to be occurring.
  10. Because February and April were packed with major competition in both the romance genre and just movies in general? Big idea!!!!!! But as for your answer, in many ways, February and October have changed. February seems to be where animated movies made by smaller studios are released (Escape from Planet Earth, Lego Movie, Spongebob, Illumination's Pets project), along with romcoms and romdrams, with the occasional action movie here and there. October seems to be a lot of horror, a kids movie here and there, and plenty of adult dramas/Oscar bait. For the other months, April, and especially March, seem to be giving a bigger focus on summer blockbusters, while August could make studios put less movies in the June and July area, and January...will still be where the crap goes. With the Oscar season and limited movies rolling in nationwide, January will have the movies that the studios know are bad and won't turn a profit, but a slightly bigger push on MLK weekend. September will also be filled with movies not as bad as January, but ones that won't get a big push on the distributor's slate, with some exceptions. Now I'm fine with how the release calendar works for now, but any change is welcome!
  11. Shame. Boxoffice.com, while nice, had nowhere near as good writers as Ray Subers, as well as having a clearer calendar to show what's limited and what's not. Now what do we do?
  12. Gone Girl 3:25 October 5th Crowd: 40% full Trailers: The Best of Me The Theory of Everything The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 American Sniper Fury Exodus: Gods and Kings I was planning to look at reactions, but there was a pretty obnoxious group behind me that got under my skin, but all of the trailers sans Best of Me interested me. The movie itself was great, with great suspense and atmosphere and two leads with fantastic actors.
  13. Well, that's what I've been told by people. I honestly have seen only one, maybe two of his movies, and they were just more boring than insulting to me. And in terms of Gone Girl, well, he was pretty great in the movie, but could have been better.
  14. People mainly hate him for his movies, enforcing stereotypes, shoving religion down people's throats, and not listening to critics. Or at least that's what I've been told. He seems like a nice guy, and I've heard he's good in Gone Girl, but I won't know until 20 minutes or so when I'm at the cinema. But frankly, I'm not a guy who focuses on ranting or complaining about stuff. I'd rather promote what I love than showcase what I hate. But hey, what do I know?
  15. Honestly, I never followed the hate for Tyler Perry. His movies are clearly not for me, so why should I complain about him?
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