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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. The Batman Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-2 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 2 217 8732 39778 21.95% Total Seats Sold Today: 937 Comp 2.037x of Black Widow T-2 (26.89M) 3.324x of Shang-Chi T-2 (29.25M) 4.037x of Venom 2 T-2 (46.83M) 2.784x of Eternals T-2 (26.45M) 0.370x of Spider-Man: NWH T-2 (18.53M) Adjusted Comp 0.478x of Star Wars: TROS T-2 (19.13M) I'm sure people will put up the warning signs here, but I think this is just more a coming down to Earth deal than anything else, and still indicates positive things IMO
  2. The Second Part isn't anything amazing, but it's a fun time. Has a lot of clever and funny visuals and dialogue that carries it through, and a cute message about sibling love that I liked. There's also a cameo appearance that's so out of left field and hilarious that I can't spoil it.
  3. Lego Batman was a huge disappointment IMO. Really felt like a cheap imitation of the first Lego Movie and is just way too hyperactive and sparingly funny. I thought it was just a case of the first Lego Movie being a lightning in a bottle and Lord/Miller the only people who could pull it off, but I actually really dug Lego Movie 2 (the one with Tiffany Haddish and is all about toxic masculinity). Not sure how the Trolls guy did a better job than the Robot Chicken guy, but it is what it is. The Harvard for Police joke was really funny tho
  4. See now I'm mad Starbucks or whoever didn't have their own tie-in. Imagine a tasty beverage like this while enjoying the Little Caesars Batman CalzonyTM. Heaven!
  5. I AM VENGEANCE Next to Spider-Man, Batman is the one character within modern geekdom that everybody has a hot take on. There’ve been plenty of actors who performed Bruce Wayne, but for our purposes, the ball really started to roll in 1989, when Tim Burton gave Michael Keaton the chance to don the iconic cowl. Burton’s Batman would become a watershed moment for Hollywood, ranking as the fifth-biggest film in history upon its initial release and redefining the superhero movie forever. The epic adventures of Bruce Wayne have since gone on to record breaking success and intense adoration from critics, fanboys, and normies alike. We all have that one Batman movie we can’t get enough of. We all have the interpretation we love the most. We all have a villain we love, a story to watch, and gadgetry to behold. Even Batman and Robin’s got some people pretending that it’s good actually. And tonight, yet another reinterpretation of the Bob Kane/Bill Finger creation has arrived. Tonight, The Bat is back. After successfully reviving the Planet of the Apes franchise to great success, Felicity creator Matt Reeves is giving the people an exciting solo Batman adventure, the first one in a decade since Papa Nolan closed his iconic trilogy with Christian Bale. Weird to think it was 10 years ago, but life moves pretty fast. It promises to be a brooding, visceral, haunting, 3-hour noir epic that looks at the “playboy by day, vigilante by night” hero and puts him through an engaging, grand mystery. It’s the first Batman film that really acknowledges the detective/noir side of Bruce Wayne, giving it a unique angle that we’ve never seen from this overused character. While the loss of Ben Affleck stings (don’t worry, he’ll be back in November), what has blossomed is something that truly looks spectacular and, frankly, unique. While the DC Extended Universe is still alive and well, The Batman is its own unique entity, with its own separate universe, rules, and ideas, with no current plans for crossovers or tying into a bigger storyline. Rather, this is a simple noir detective story with influences from films of old, while still its own sleek, memorable package. In a way, The Batman is a throwback to the superhero movies of old. In a day and age where every superhero movie is connected to some sprawling storyline, has callbacks and nostalgic references, and is basically an advertisement for unrelated movies and streaming shows, The Batman is its own thing. It tells its own story, while still feeling epic and massive and brave and bold all at once. It’s a refreshing feeling and in many ways helps it stand out from the MCU and DCEU juggernauts. Of course, what Matt Reeves concocted won’t just be a standalone project. Not only is Matt Reeves already hard at work on some sequels to The Batman, but we’re getting two brand spankin’ new HBO Max shows that expand the Reevesverse. One on the Gotham PD, because apparently that Gotham Fox show doesn’t exist anymore, and another based on Colin Farrell’s portrayal of The Penguin. All of this indicates that Warner Bros. likes what they’re seeing with Reeves’ film and expects big, big things. With a huge cast, epic visuals, and the almighty brand power of Batman, everybody and their Grandma expects this to be a hit. It’s got strong buzz, wonderful reviews, and no competition in sight until March 25th with The Lost City. Thanks Disney! But the big riddle here is how much of a hit will it be? Predictions on BOT range from less than 100M all the way to sky-high numbers like 200M. It’s one of those situations where no matter what happens, just as many people will be thrilled and excited as there are people disappointed and proclaiming a failure. But as always, you just have to enjoy the ride and roll with the punches, especially because movies are more than just one weekend. The rules part: 1. ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS. NOT EVEN SPOILERS POSTED UNDER SPOILER TAGS. This rule also applies to other movies in theaters and films/shows recently released on streaming. So no Uncharted spoilers, no Texas Chainsaw Massacre spoilers, no Euphoria spoilers, etc. If you do spoil something here, you will be banned. No exceptions. 2. KEEP YOUR AGENDA OUT OF HERE. 3. THE REPORT AND IGNORE BUTTONS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. While trolls are already bad, responding to them only makes it worse. 4. IS OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSION OKAY? Off-topic discussions are okay in situations where there's downtime and there aren't any numbers. But when numbers are coming up and things are getting busy, then keep off-topic things down to the minimum. And lastly... 5. DON'T BE A DICK. And three last things, First off, this thread will likely lean into being more domestic-focused. If you want to know about how The Batman is doing in other countries, click on the film’s overseas thread right here. Second, WE'RE HAVING A SALE If you have the funds, we strongly encourage you to donate and upgrade your accounts. Not just because of all the cool perks and benefits, but it helps keep the lights on here at the forums, and ensures we’ll stick around for many more awesome and exciting weekends in the future. This summer is looking to be a hot one and you don’t want to miss talking about it with your buddies here. Third, we strongly encourage all users to participate in BOT’s Box Office Derby, a competition where users bet on how much the top 10 movies will gross each weekend. The winner gets crowned Derby Champion and a free Premium Account for one week. It’s a lot of fun and we just started bringing this back earlier this year. I myself am planning on competing this weekend and I hope you all do the same. https://derby.boxofficetheory.com/ And now... WITHOUT FURTHER ADO LET'S DO THIS SHIT
  6. @Jake Gittes how did you cheat the system like this? 🤔
  7. The Batman Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-3 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 2 199 7795 37371 20.86% Total Seats Sold Today: 864 Comp 2.132x of Black Widow T-3 (28.14M) 3.386x of Shang-Chi T-3 (29.8M) 4.431x of Venom 2 T-3 (51.4M) 2.844x of Eternals T-3 (27.02M) 0.364x of Spider-Man: NWH T-3 (18.2M) Adjusted Comp 0.452x of Star Wars: TROS (18.07M) ....hot damn.
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