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Posts posted by miketheavenger

  1. honestly i think mj1 was kind of a weird movie, but there was a huge action sequence before the halfway point, then three or four more large action sequences


    1. district 8 bombing
    2. attack on district 5 dam
    3. district 13 bombing
    4. capitol infiltration
    5. peeta attacking katniss


    that's as much action as the first two movies, with the larger ones being of larger scale and the smaller ones having just as much emotional punch. this is why i don't really understand why suddenly people are saying it was BORING of all things, like thin plot.. ok you can get away with that. criticizing the split, fine. it certainly wasn't as glamorous as the first two. but it was definitely not boring or lacking in action.. which is where my main "critics aren't being truthful" thing comes from (and people on this site too), since they're not criticizing any actual shortcomings and instead making things up. and even the infamous the first half had lots of humorous, emotional, and/or interesting scenes, it was definitely not boring enough to *cough* feel the need to go on your phone during it. i mean interstellar's equally "boring" first half is like as long as the entire runtime of mj1, but people respected that. hence the bias i'm talking about.

    That's not quite true. Many people didn't love IS and/or its first half.

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