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Posts posted by miketheavenger

  1. Too bad that Equalizer is going to end up around 100 domestic and not catch up to Ride Along's 133 million.  #1 grossing movie of the year starring a Black person will be one with an 18% on RT. But then again, movies starring a Black person in a leading role this year weren't given a lot of great opportunities.  A Haunted House 2 has a 10% on RT.  No Good Deed has a 12% on RT.  Ride Along 2 at 18%.  Think Like a Man 2 at 23%. Hercules at 60%.  Average RT score for a movie with a Black person in a leading role this year is in the 40s.   

    Not this shit again. <_<

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  2. The Avengers was such a game changer. It's tough to put anything in the superhero genre above that because everything was different after TA. However, after that, your argument for GOTG being such a huge win is definitely a legitimate one.


    IM was a nice hit, but it was clearly over-shadowed by TDK. TDK was a massive hit, but even though it grossed more than Batman '89, it still wasn't that far out there. OTOH, the most famous member of GOTG was probably very low on the list of famous marvel superheroes and GOTG was released in a summer where movies have had horrible legs. Almost no one expected GOTG to win the summer and after seeing the legs of the big blockbusters, almost no one expected it to come close to having the legs that it has had.

    I think it's safe to say that without The Avengers GOTG would've made around half of what it will end up with now. Maybe even less.

  3. Frozen was a huge hit. A modern classic. Star Wars, however is far bigger than it will ever be and if Abrams & co. do justice to the franchise, $400 million is the floor.


    about 400m thanks to 3d + premiums

    I think that 400m is the minimum. 500m+ is likely if the movie is awesome.

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