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Posts posted by miketheavenger

  1. Interesting fact:


    Live-action fairytales have been consistently out-grossing X-Men films (i.e. Fox should quit making superhero films)



    Maleficent (3D): $757M

    DoFP (3D): $746M



    Oz (3D): $493M

    The Wolverine (3D): $415M



    SWATH (2D, post-Memorial Day 2012 release date): $397M

    First Class (2D, post-Memorial Day 2011 release date): $354M


    Should we thus assume that Alice in Wonderland 2 will beat X-Men Apocalypse? Well, in my mind at least, the likelihood has increased although we do need a glimpse of what the movies will look like before making any serious predictions.

    Even though Maleficent made $11m more than DOFP, DOFP still made Fox a lot of money and it was very well-received. So why should they stop making superhero movies?

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