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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Yep. Everyone said it was guaranteed to hit 1B because of how well liked the first one. It would have hit 1B if it had Kevin Bacon. FACT.
  2. I'll have a look Jake. I am a huge Linklater fan and his whole style of movies where it's just about spending time with characters rather than any meaningful development or plot etc. but I just can't connect with D&C in the same way
  3. I don't get the love for Dazed and Confused to be honest. It's decent but way off being one of Linklaters best. I don't see what everyone else sees.
  4. given that Solo opened three times bigger than Rampage, I'm going to say no. Alden Ehrenreich is a much larger draw than Dwayne Johnson, except maybe in China.
  5. YouTube is so strange. Can you imagine if you made a TV programme on your own with a production crew of 1, aired it at no cost, and had 100,000 viewers each day. You would be raking it in and swimming in melted gold swimming pools.
  6. Somewhat young? Weren't you boasting in the lion king thread a couple days ago that you've been tracking box office for "many decades"?
  7. Oh. I did think it was a bit OTT vain when she started that post with "THE QUEEN SPEAKS:" I feel slightly more sane now. Thanks.
  8. wait, what? @GraceRandolph is an actual Youtuber with an actual audience who watches this crap? I feel a bit sick and ashamed of this forum. She should be banned, immediately.
  9. oh no, you bad opinion-haver got a youtube channel as well. Why do so many of the weirdos on here make all these videos, literally no one cares, even writing more than 2 sentences on the forum is pushing it to be honest.
  10. can they PLEASE get Kevin Bacon for this one? He should have been in the sequel and that's why it underperformed
  11. watched it again today. When Thandie Newton shows up I realised I had completely forgotten she was in the film after I saw it the first time. speaking of which - she really is flat out TERRIBLE in the movie. She's the one character who didn't feel like existed in that world. Also - very weird how Beckett(?) does not mention her or seem to mourn her in the SLIGHTEST. which is quite strange. immediately after the train heist, he's angry... but not because his girlfriends dead but because Voss is now going to kill him. No one seemed to notice she'd gone. Or the other dude with the 4 legs for that matter. The weak bits stand out more. I do think it's too long, pacing is a bit off. But, still a lot of fun. Emilia Clarke and her character are great. Alden is top notch and he really stood out even more this time. Conversely, Donald Glover felt more forced and impersonation. the whole rebel thing bugged me a bit less but still wish they had just been marauders.
  12. Especially when it was made very clear in Force Awakens that Luke had left and given up. Don't know why them following up on that came as a surprise? Are fanboys so deluded that as soon as they saw mark Hamill at the end of TFA they thought "Oh yes, badass Luke on scene to save the day!" because that's literally the opposite of the entire movie. And the trailers made it clear as well... "It's time for the Jedi to end" No one complained with TFA, I doubt they expected the backlash either. Worth also mentioning Luke is not the only thing the complainers dislike.
  13. I'm aware of that. Doesn't mean the film is "not cinematic". I'm just asking you to explain what that means?
  14. apart from the fact it's split into two films and we haven't seen the second part yet, it seems like IW is pretty much the same as all the others.
  15. what do you mean by "cinematically"? I think you mean you personally didn't like it. Not that it's not a cinematic film... because by any objective measure it has character development, and adds new stuff to this world, it has a visual design that's just on another level... how is it not cinematic?
  16. it's a bit weird because like objectively we really don't have that much cold and rain, but yeah when it's hot we become convinced it's the only day of the year that will be hot therefore need to make the most of it... Does not surprise me that no one has gone to the cinema this weekend but still pretty sad for star wars. under 5M opening weekend is just horrific no other words for it.
  17. don't agree with the middle section but glad to see someone else has some sense and knows the original is the best & force awakens is the worst.
  18. I just found out that Totalbiscuit has died. I feel cold. Knew it would come at some point but assumed it would be many years from now. Very sad.
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