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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Incompatible? Are you trying to say you use Reddit for online dating? Well how else would you sort a best films list? Why would I put a film on my best ever films list if I didn't enjoy it? I can't think of a single film that I thought was "truly fantastic" and simultaneously did not enjoy it. Surely those two things are the opposite of each other...?
  2. You're questioning that, in a film where Deadpool goes back in time and kills Ryan Reynolds?
  3. I don't mean that. I'm sure there are lots of things I'm missing out on. But of the films I've watched, I've rarely particularly liked them. Most of the ones that I have seen, have wooden acting. They feel very dated to the point I struggle to engage on any level. Also call me boring or childish or whatever but I just dont like watching things in black and white. In the same way that I don't read books in ye olde english and I don't play Pong in my spare time. They have their place in history, I'm happy to accept there are people who still watch these films and enjoy them, and I do remain open minded and am not against watching them. But if I am choosing to watch a film, I have only 2 hours to watch it, and I have the choice of an old black and white film or a modern film...
  4. On a serious note I can't say I'm usually engaged by older films. Get to 1970+ and I am pretty game for watching anything but the style of acting in older films is so wooden that I can't get over it. What ruk said is correct, make people watch Harry Potter AND whichever old films it was.... and I'd still bet most people alive and kicking in 2018 (well except @Telemachos) will enjoy Harry Potter more. Theres nothing wrong with that.
  5. Completely agree that the first 20 or 30 minutes of Wall-E make a nice short film then rest of the film is crap
  6. Apparently he was The Vanisher - when the parachute floats into the telephone wire he appears. Was a funny moment but didn't notice that it was Brad Pitt. and when I saw Stan Lee's name in the credits I realised he wasn't in the film, thought that was strange. An image shouldn't count for his appearances..... is this the first Marvel film he's not been in?
  7. I am very annoyed that I didn't notice the Brad Pitt cameo.
  8. For anyone who accidentally clicks on to this thread, to spoil your day: - Cable is a good guy - Brad Pitt cameo - X-Force team all die instantly - The film is, sadly, not called The Untitled Deadpool Sequel
  9. Kind of annoyed that I didn't notice the Brad Pitt cameo.
  10. We are talking about peoples favourite films. I think you are meaning to sound pretentious and philosophical.
  11. Was definitely an improvement on the AWFUL first film. I still loathe Deadpool, he is the epitome of not-being-funny. But where the first one was just Deadpool and nothing else, this one is Deadpool but also there are other things that are good. Such as Julian Dennison who appeared to have literally walked off the set of Hunt for the Wilderpeople and now gets to fulfill his gangster dreams. I love the J-Dog and am so pleased that he's evidently had his big break. Good things to come for him. I liked Cable and glad he was not the villain, I assumed he wouldn't be due to the posters. I had assumed Eddie Marsan was playing the big bad but it turns out there was no big bad, no antagonist at all past the second act to be honest. I thought that worked well. But fuck me the jokes are SO bad and everything is so lazy. Deadpool is not funny. Swearing is not funny. Saying stupid things that make no sense in a funny voice is not funny. The only ONLY joke I laughed at that came from DP was one about him being the second highest grossing R rated film at the US box office, and I only laughed at that because I actually understood the reference. It's not a funny joke. Breaking the 4th wall is not funny in itself, something being 'meta' is not funny in itself. The same goes for the running joke of "that's just lazy writing". You know what, yes actually it is. Just because you acknowledge it in the film doesn't make it any better, it in fact makes it worse because you're not trying. Its like that kid in school who would fail his tests and then say "Yeah, well I wasn't trying". You still failed.
  12. and I have no idea what the fuck logical positivism is or what multiple worlds means or how any of this has any relation to the thread. Ruk called you Descartes because you were justifying your idiotic top 100 list by using fancy words pretending to sound philosophical. the same as you could call someone Stephen Hawking if they were talking smart about some science stuff. Not sure what you're struggling with here.
  13. JCS I mean no offense by this but are you autistic? I always assumed just a troll but genuinely curious now. You talk like Sheldon from big bang theory.
  14. How is that ironic, you absolute melt. In what world is Descartes not a famous philosopher? Because he's not as smart as James Cameron..? Not as smart as you? Or what?
  15. If you rank the Star Wars films on a scale of lowest box office gross, it's perfectly reasonable to put AOTC as the best film ever. Also does anyone know how the scores work? Can't find the original thread. How many points is #1, etc
  16. I cant believe I only just found out about this, and its being done by Frontier who did Planet Coaster which was an awesome game. Excited for JW but more excited for the game, cant remember the last time I got excited for a game in several years.
  17. But it's a trailer. The whole point is that it's cut for the specific reason of drawing in the general audience. So no it doesn't include the entire contents of the film. I think it's a bit rich to say what the trailer indicates given that Freddie only has two short lines in the trailer.
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