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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. have you ever met someone who is adopted and grew up with a normal life? it happens all the time, join the 21st century dude and grow up.
  2. is this a joke? X Men films always grossed far more than the FF movies so clearly this is nonsense.
  3. I saw the trailer for Zootropolis in front of Inside Out, I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then I realised it was Jason Bateman saying Zootropolis. No idea why it's called that here.
  5. john williams, david hasselhoff... where do I sign up? who is gonna be cast in your main four roles btw?
  6. are you even aware of the shite that you are saying? you literally just said that having black skin is "shitting on the character"...
  7. BKB I know you can come across as a little full of yourself sometimes, but are you saying you're as talented a film director as Joss Whedon?
  8. the only way to make it 100% faithful to the character according to your logic, is to hire the original artist and get him to do draw and animate an immaculately copied 2D version of the character. i think that would fit very well.
  9. I always say this but I have nothing to compare it to because I've never read comic books
  10. Casting actors you believe in is an "experiment"? Anyway, it's not like Jordan is terrible in the film, is it? The movie's problems have zilch to do with him.
  11. or maybe the director wanted a good reliable actor who he had worked with before. crazy thought.
  12. How does that change the story in any way? Can you please tell me why adopted siblings are different from biological siblings.
  13. BKB, the issue has not been the fans rejecting the movie. It's that the general audience has rejected the movie. It's really as simple as that.
  14. Yeah, she forgot to put her sombrero on in some of the scenes, that might have confused you. Understandable.
  15. The fact that you consider different skin colour to be a "radical divergence" makes me 99.999% certain you're racist.
  16. this is the most annoying thing about the film being a flop. it makes the racist haters think they are right.
  17. It performed fine for a comedy, it just had a lot more money spent on it than usual. Comedy brands are a bit rocky, they can be very of-the-moment.
  18. The Gift is doing well. In contrast, everyone walking out of Fantastic Four is saying "what the fuck was that", "that was utter shit", "why the fuck did we pay £9 for that", I even had a couple of people ask for a refund it was so bad. all my friends hated it. word of mouth is going to be awful, imo it's doing under 50M.
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