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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. what the actual fuck? I haven't been paying much attention to all this, but wow.
  2. That's not necessarily true (other than the fact that comedy is generally not set in harsh physical conditions). Good comedy needs precise direction and delivery; if the cast are just having a laugh then the movie will probably be worse off for it. I admit that I only read the headline. But it sounded like he was saying that actors should not be able to have good working conditions, like no coffee breaks during the working day wtf?
  3. On our request sheet we can't write down a poster until it's been delivered to the cinema and is on display, so that people can't bagsy everything months and months in advance. Fortunately my boss is a trekkie who has no love for SW.
  4. No it isn't. These movies are cheap as chips to make, given that they are dramas with actors who are just starting out and can't demand big salaries. They will be small but consistent, and maybe every now and then one will really break out like Fault.
  5. The fact that you are saying "If the studio picks up the marketing" just 5 days before the film opens is pretty telling, tbh.
  6. Agreed. However he is not saying that 'good production doesn't mean a good movie', he is saying that a happy production will result in a bad movie.
  7. I know, and obviously with two major action films releasing in the next couple of weeks, it's gonna be a lot more difficult for AM. I just think it's something that needs to be reminded of:)
  8. With a lower opening and a real lack of competition, it really shouldn't be bordering on -60%. This is the weekend it gets on its own before Mission Impossible and Fantastic Four brush against it.
  9. Worth bearing in mind about Ant-Man - Guardians of the Galaxy had a similarly steep drop in its second weekend; its later legs are what pulled it to 300M and a 3.5x.
  10. Yeah, John Green = Nicholas Sparks. There are new Sparks movies all the time, and Green's will likely be a little more successful. He will be fine.
  11. Southpaw was extremely popular at my cinema last night, so I'd assume it does well this weekend in the US too.
  12. I've seen all the summer movies last year and this year so far, and the ones I liked: 2015 Mad Max Fury Road Terminator Genisys Jurassic World Minions Inside Out Spy Avengers 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy Dawn of the Planet of the Apes How to Train Your Dragon 2 Edge of Tomorrow that's 4 vs. 7+ (still several to go and I will probably like Mission Impossible, hopefully like Paper Towns & FF). I'm not sure what all this fuss is about in regard to having a bad quality summer blockbuster season.
  13. In terms of what I personally was expecting, only two movies have significantly overperformed, everything else either underperformed or I got right. The two breakout movies, I expected them to break out, just didn't quite expect them to do as well as they have. Though if we are just talking about what is going to make money for studios, then the summer has been good. Avengers and Ant-Man may have taken big drops or be disappointments from the previous movies, but they are still gonna make tons of money. Hell, even Terminator which supposedly bombed, will still make its money back. Magic Mike and Paper Towns are dropping from their predecessors but they're small-budget studio movies so will still make a lot of profit. The only proper bomb has been Tomorrowland. Which incidentally I still need to see, hopefully it'll come back to the cinema in a few weeks.
  14. I really thought Ant-Man would blaze past 200M and if Ted 2 wasn't awful then it would make it too. Jurassic World aside, this summer hasn't been all that.
  15. Illumination has Pets coming next year and they'll no doubt turn that into a franchise if it hits, which it probably will. They've also got another project in the works for next Christmas. You mean four, right? I think you're forgetting Avengers
  16. The only official posters I currently own are Pacific Rim, and the original Star Wars poster. The DOFP ones are neat. I really want to grab the massive 10 foot Force Awakens poster once we get it in the cinema.
  17. I don't even think the shooting is having much effect. Pixels and Paper Towns were never gonna be big, they are performing as I expected. Ant Man is having the usual Marvel drop and Minions is just showing it's front loaded like the previous film.
  18. Unlimited subscription costs $25/month here. Regular price of a ticket is $15 and we don't even have a cheap day like you guys do. For regular cinemagoers it's a ridiculously good deal.
  19. Forgive me, I must have missed the jokes about Stanley Kubrick in Paul Blart, the jokes about the socio-economic status of 1960s America...
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