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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. Watched it this past week. Mind Blowing. I was like whaaaaaT? throughout the film. The twist was among the best ones and most unpredictable ones out there. The acting was absolutely top class, especially the leads. The dialogues were so rip-through. Among the most quote-able films ever. Damn great film. Has become one of my top 10 fav films ever.



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  2. Liked this one. Maybe Carrey's best performance. The concept was highly intriguing and the satire was real. I just thought that it could have been a bit darker or something, and some parts of his fake life seemed non-believable to me. But all in all it was quite a good film. 



  3. Watched this yesterday. Great Film!! Loved it. I never 'really' like love stories, because they dont really have much of a story usually and its quite cliche and shallow usually, and cant remember one that I rated higher than 8 (except titanic). But this was different. The sci fi element really boosted the uniqueness. Plus the script and the reverse-chronological sequence worked great. The acting, by both the leads, was superb. I loved Winslet and Carrey amazed me in his unusual role. The concept in itself was intriguing and worked great in showing how its the memories that make us, the past that shapes us, and yet the chance to live it over is the ultimate wish. The ending was a fitting one and kind of showed how in the end, living in the moment is the most important thing, without worries of will happen and without regrets of what has happened.


  4. On 4/14/2016 at 0:52 AM, cannastop said:

    Alice isn't going anywhere in any market.

    Alice 1 is the highest grossing live action film in the market since its release. Not even SW could surpass it. Only Frozen and The Wind Rises (by a very small margin) have managed to make more since then. The movie sucked and maybe this part might too. But there's every indication to the fact that this will gross higher than Zoo here. Its not certain and anything can happen, actually, but its much more probable than the contrary.

  5. Watched this yesterday. Have been watching bits and pieces again and again since then. Great, great film. The direction, the acting, the characters, the writing - all are top class. A classic in all respects. Its so simple. And so unique! A courtroom drama with no lawyers, a case with no trial. With nothing but a single shot of the convict's face. It feels to me like it was not really about the case, about proving or not proving something, about the convict, about the whodunit or even about guilty or innocent. It was about the men - 12 strangers, who don't even know each other's name, come together to decide the death of another stranger. Its about being able to look past the surface. No, its about willing to look past the surface. Its about the will to look past your prejudices and your emotions, about opening your mind. The story's got its holes, even though its written very well and great part of it is covered by the superb acting. Too much is assumed. The lawyers are apparently high school drop-outs. In other word's it isn't really realistic. But it doesn't matter, not completely. For as i said, its not about the case, its about the Men. 12 Angry Men.



    A, easily. somewhere between 90-95 out of hundred overall. Among my favourite ever.

    • Like 3
  6. On 4/10/2016 at 6:58 PM, Infernus said:

    There's lots and lots of movies I should see before making such a list... The only 10 out of 10 films I have watched yet are LOTR1, Matrix 1, Se7en, The Shawshank Redemption, Grave of the fireflies, Finding Nemo, Life of Pi, Andaz Apna Apna and maybe one or two other I might be forgetting right now. There are some more when you take in 9.5/10s though. LOTR3, The Dark Knight, Inside Out, Wall E, Wreck it Ralph Toy Story 2, Mad Max 4, The Lion King and probably a few more. So yeah ther's lots I need to see. Godfathers, lots of Scorseses from 70's onwards, some more Cappolas from 70s, some other 70's stuff, Many Hitchcocks, a few Kubriks, 12 Angry Men, Chinatown, Fight Club, One flew over the Cuckoos nest, To Kill a Mockingbird, bicycle thieves, Rain Man, Pulp Fiction, A Beautiful Mind, The King's Speech, The Sixth Sense, some Spielbergs, many anime films etc.


    I can Cut 12 Angry Men and Vertigo from up there now. 9.5 and 8.5 out of 10s respectively. Both great and both might make it in my top 100.

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  7. There's lots and lots of movies I should see before making such a list... The only 10 out of 10 films I have watched yet are LOTR1, Matrix 1, Se7en, The Shawshank Redemption, Grave of the fireflies, Finding Nemo, Life of Pi, Andaz Apna Apna and maybe one or two other I might be forgetting right now. There are some more when you take in 9.5/10s though. LOTR3, The Dark Knight, Inside Out, Wall E, Wreck it Ralph Toy Story 2, Mad Max 4, The Lion King and probably a few more. So yeah ther's lots I need to see. Godfathers, lots of Scorseses from 70's onwards, some more Cappolas from 70s, some other 70's stuff, Many Hitchcocks, a few Kubriks, 12 Angry Men, Chinatown, Fight Club, One flew over the Cuckoos nest, To Kill a Mockingbird, bicycle thieves, Rain Man, Pulp Fiction, A Beautiful Mind, The King's Speech, The Sixth Sense, some Spielbergs, many anime films etc.

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  8. Okay, I agree. I realized it while making my point and I admit that one big reasonable point in Frozens favour is that its run ended with it becoming one of the 3 highest mega-grossing films in the country. But ,as I predicted, you guys are giving that too much weight. That is the only thing in its favour. Nearly everything else favours zoo's China run. And its not  like zoo made 30m off a .5m opening. Zoo's numbers are massive too. 200m+ in china is still a big big thing. Zoo is ending its run within the top 10 too, at the 7th number to be precise. And the 2 films slightly above it are both local (that is, they didnt face a time limit). Moreover its First in the Animated films chart. With a 50% lead!!! And the previous topper got to the place after Zoo's own run started!! That is some thing, aint it? Oh, also. Wanna guess what Frozen's rank is in the same list (highest grossing animated films) for japan? 2nd. Why I am bringing this up is not just to annoy you guys but to show you the difference in the popularity of the genre (animation) between the two nations. You have got to factor that in before claiming that zoo needed to have made 500m. So yeah, guys. And, as I have said before, all this in 5 weeks compared to Frozen's 20!! 60+ OD multi in 5 weeks. You guys are letting that one point completely cloud over all the many many other factors. The sheer relative largeness of the numbers in play is an important thing but not enough to cancel every thing else especially when the numbers of the contender (zoo) are very very big too.


    You guys need to look at this once more, with an open mind. Maybe you would still think Frozen's is more impressive but you would no longer think its victory to be as landslidish as most of you seem to do now.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Cynosure said:

    I agree with the above. Zootopia's run in China is certainly impressive but Frozen's run in Japan was not impressive, it was out of this world.

    Wow that's massively massively downplaying Zootopia's performance. Zootopia's China run is not impressive. A run like San Andreas' or JW's in China is what I would call impressive. Zootopia's run was completely out of this world. A very meh-ly marketed foreign film of a genre that is not at all big ending up with the biggest multi ever in half the time of the few comparable local movies and grossing more than Avengers 2 (I am completely and very well aware of the expansion and this is a massive thing to happen even after factoring in that)  in a market where movies of that kind are the thing and in a market where you can completely collapse (and where this is much more common than getting even half the multi this got) is anything but just impressive. You may think that Japan run was better and I agree that it is arguable (even if I used easily in my previous comment) depending on what and how you see it but calling the China run just impressive would be the box office understatement of the year. It is every bit as out-of-the-world and definitely even more unexpected than Frozen's japan run.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Purple Minion said:

    ChinaBoxOffice: ZOOTOPIA earned est $1M on Fri, China's total is ¥1.469B ($227.2M), passes Ultron as Disney's biggest film in China.


    Who would have thunk.


    I'd say Zootopia's performance in China is easily greater than Frozen's in Japan. Atleast Japan is among the, if not the very, leggiest market in the world. China is fucking worse than US and doesn't even let you run 2 months.

    • Like 5
  11. I believed this will be a huge breakout OS, especially in Europe, earlier and these early reviews have made me feel definite that it will. They give support to every single reason I had for thinking that way. The original has one hell of a legacy and was massive in lots of countries. This also has game changing visual effects under its hat which means asia could be quite, quite big for it. To top it all off, this seems to have pulled off the story very well too. I'd call 200m$ as the definite low end combined total from China+India+SK alone. 40m from Japan. 250m from Europe. 150m from Latin America. Some more elsewhere for a near 700m OS total (this is unless it really breaks out big). I am giving this near 300m in US. That adds up to a final WW total quite near to a WW total that's quite near to a Billion. Overall I see a Billion WW to be entirely possible and not even improbable for this.

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  12. Yeah this was said in the movie too. A character of the book (one of the best of Shakespeare's), Shylock, has, unfairly so though, become a symbol of greed. He asked for a pound of flesh from another character as the penalty for not being able to pay back a loan taken from him. The matter was taken to court where it was completely turned against him so much so that he had to give up all his wealth and only got out living because that other character pardoned him.

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  13. Around a 120 Rs for a regular weekday show in a regular single screen. Thats less than 2 dollars! And there are much cheaper options available too. You can watch a movie for 30Rs in some of the older cinemas. That would be less than half a dollar :D 

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  14. I just watched this yesterday. Wow. Everything about the movie. It was so... I don't know. From the tone to the actors to even the colour, it all created such an atmosphere. Every scene was worth seeing. Brad Pitt, morgan and spacey were all so good. And so many things were so unexpected. And the ending. I had heard and read that it was one of the most disturbing/moving/sort-of-traumatizing endings ever and that really raised my expectations. Even though I really didn't want to, I was looking for clues all around the place for what the ending is going to hold. And yet I only got it when Morgan looked up from the box and directly at Mills. I really did wonder early in the movie as to what role Gwenyth will have. I was confident enough in Fincher to doubtlessly believe that he will not just introduce a character unless of some need (even the reporter ended up having a purpose!). But i thought maybe it was just to get them both to be friends. I know we got the baby reveal after that but the following events of the movie got me too invested in them to give that a thought or even remember it. So, yeah the ending got me. Fincher did use the pregnant-mother card though which instantly (or as soon as I got back to thinking) reminded me of Gone Girl's jab at that. Amazing movie.


    I have a few questions though. The foremost one being the Sloth guy. How was he a lazy guy? So he was a drug dealer and a pedarast. Whats so...slothy about that?


    And the subway under the home thing. What was its importance to the film? Again I am trusting Fincher on that actually having some meaning but I am not getting it. Did it simply make it easier for doe to kill tracy? So that it would cover up her screams which was important maybe so that her being killed gets by unnoticed (god, I just realized why they made tracy say - "I don't know anyone here" or something to that) ?


    And final thing. Mills as Wrath. His fate didn't fit in with all the others. How did his wrath ruin him like all the other sinner's sins ruined them? He didn't die. He would probably not even be really jailed; he killed someone who, apart from all the other deeds that clearly meant he was going to executed anyway, killed his wife, and she was a pregnant american, and clearly agitated him. I mean he would be jailed probably but he will get away with a very short, just-out-of-formality, sentence. Maybe it was just that he would go insane after the trauma and/or lose his career? Doesn't seem even close to the fate of the rest of them. Maybe doe let him go with just that because the wrath was brought out (not about, though) by him and/or because he really admired him? I don't know...


    So anyone can help me with these?

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  15. On 3/19/2016 at 6:33 PM, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    All the Harry-Potter films

    The entire Middle-Earth franchise

    What? Have you read the books? It might be somewhat arguable for the LOTR trilogy (not in my and most others' opinion though. Although I still consider it to be the best film trilogy of all time with each part being around 9.5/10) but definitely not for the hobbit. The HP books too are much better than the movies (the movies are pretty good though).

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