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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. 19 minutes ago, HeyItsMoses said:

    what the fuck is this shit? 


    you're only getting points if you're the top 2, 3rd gets nothing, and everyone else is pretty much fucked. what the hell?


    you know what makes no sense, the 50,000 bonus for being the positive. why not have first place be 52k points, and second place be 51k points? it's essentially the same thing.

    The 50k is if your total is positive. Its nigh impossible and thus more of a joke than anything. It does make sense but be it 50k or 780m it doesn't really matter.


    And yeah fucked up is what this SOTM is. I'd recommend straight out abstain for this one.

  2. There's still a chance Independence day might not make it to daisy. Its looking to have a 3.5m weekend and would need 7m+ after that to get past it. The screen drops will start now with big films opening and that might worsen its drops. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/16/2016 at 2:59 AM, Wrath said:


    Heh, that was nearly me as well. Went to bed having completely forgotten about it, woke up for no apparent reason, couldn't go back to sleep and just happened to realize I hadn't done the questions or SotM this week. There was an hour or two to go until the deadline.


    The same thing happened to me. But instead of waking up for no reason and what followed, I was awoken to go to school where I still felt sleepy all day and wherefrom I took a long nap soon after coming back. It had been a few hours past the locking time when I woke up..

    • Like 1
  4. 65m from japan... Its not an easy target for any film. But this is the kind of film that can work really well there. I dont know how popular the original was but the 90's anime based on it (which was the most important reason for its stunning performance in India) was from here ('anime') so it must have been popular enough.  So I'd say there is still a chance that the 1B might happen

    • Like 2
  5. 1. Will Secret Life of Pets make more than $50M OW? YES
    2. Will Secret Life of Pets make more than $60M OW? 2000 YES
    3. Will Secret Life of Pets make more than $70M OW? YES
    4. Will Mike and Dave make more than $10M OW? YES
    5. Will Mike and Dave make more than $15M OW? NO
    6. Will Mike and Dave open in the top 4? 3000 YES
    7. Will the top 3 films make over $100M? YES
    8. Will Independence day stay above Central Intelligence? 2000 YES
    9. Will any of the 3 new entries from last weekend drop more than 62.5%? NO
    10. Will Finding Dory be the number one domestic film of the Summer by the end of the weekend? YES
    11. Which of the three big new entries from last weekend will have the smallest weekend percentage drop? BFG
    12. Will The Neon Demon make less than 45k (Being dropped altogether counts as yes)? YES
    13. Will Zootopia drop more than 55%? 3000 NO
    14. Will Swiss Army Man be in the top 10 this weekend? NO
    15. Will Warcraft have a bigger percentage drop than Alice 2? YES
    16. Will The Purge have a single day that is bigger than the Shallows' entire weekend? NO
    17. Will Tarzan finish within $8M of Dory? 3000 YES
    18. Will Captain Fantastic have a higher PTA than Captain America? YES
    19. Will TMNT finish above Jungle Book? 2000 NO
    20. Are the pets going to bring us the pure joy that Pixar and Disney could only dream of? Maybe in some polar opposite parallel universe
    14/20 - 2000
    15/20 - 3000
    16/20 - 5000
    17/20 - 7000
    18/20 - 9000
    19/20 - 12000
    20/20 - 15000
    Part 2
    1. What will SLOP OW be? 5000 82.495m
    2. What will Zootopia percentage drop this weekend be? 5000 -38%
    3. How much will BFG gross on Friday? 5000 3.59m
    Part 3

    3/6 - 2000
    4/6 - 5000
    5/6 - 9000
    6/6 - 13000

  6. 1. What will The Purge's total be at the end of the game? 66m

    2. What will Sausage party's total be by the end of the game? 30m

    3. What will Suicide Squad's 3 day OW be? 120

    4. What will Ben Hur's Second weekend percentage drop be? 53

    5. What will be the difference in gross between Ghostbusters and Central Intelligence by the end of the game? 10m


    6. What will Ice Age's multiplier be from it's opening weekend? 2.8

    7. What will Bourne's 10 day total be? 95m

    8. How much more than $100M will the Conjuring make (If Conjuring somehow fails to make $100m, everybody wins the minimum score)? 2.7m

    9. What will Bad Mom's Opening Day including Previews be? 4.5m

    10. How much will Pete's Dragon make in Thursday previews? 800k

  7. Great to see that most people have Return of the king at the top. I totally agree.


    1. The Return of the King

    2. The Dark Knight

    3 Titanic

    4 Avatar

    5. Toy Story 3

    6 Civil War

    7. The Dark Knight Rises

    8 Deathly Hallows II

    9. The Avengers

    10. Jurassic Park

    11. Frozen

    12. Jurassic World

    13. The Force Awakens

    14. Avengers: Age of Ultron

    15. Pirates of the Caribbean 2

    16. Alice in Wonderland


    • Like 1
  8. Everything is for the 3 day, top 12 and Domestic UOS


    1. Will Dory Threepeat this weekend? 2000 YES

    2. Will Independence Day hold on to 2nd place? 3000 NO

    3. Will BFG make more than $21.5M? Yes

    4. Will BFG make more than $27.5M? Yes

    5. Will BFG make more than $35M? Yes

    6. Will Legend of Tarzan open above Purge? NO

    7. Will at least two out of the three main new entries make more than $20M? YES


    8. Will The Purge have a higher PTA than Independence Day? 2000 YES

    9. Will Free State of Jones finish above The Conjuring? YES

    10. Will Alice have a larger Percentage drop than ME Before You? YES

    11. Will Finding DOry Overtake Jungle Book's Domestic total by the end of the weekend? YES

    12. Will Swiss Army Man enter the top 18 this weekend? YES

    13. Will Xmen finish above TMNT2? 3000 YES

    14. Will NYSM2 have the best percentage drop in the top 12? NO


    15. Will Warcraft fall below Civil War this weekend? YES

    16. Will Central Intelligence have a Saturday increase above 25%? NO

    17. Will at least 8 of the top 12 increase on Sunday? 3000 NO

    18. Will any film increase 100% on Friday? NO

    19. How many different films will win a day this weekend? 2000 ONE

    20. IF there was a Purge in the Pixar multiverse, who or what would be the first on your hitlist? 

    14/20 - 2000

    15/20 - 3000

    16/20 - 5000

    17/20 - 7000

    18/20 - 9000

    19/20 - 12000

    20/20 - 15000


    Part 2


    1. What will Independence Day's percentage drop be this weekend? 5000 58%

    2. How many films increase on Sunday this weekend (out of every film in release)? 5000 14

    3. How much will BFG make on Sunday? 5000 10m


    Part 3


    2. BFG

    4. Independence Day: Resurgence

    8. The Conjuring 2

    11. X-Men Apocalypse

    14. Captain America: Civil War

    16. Warcraft


    3/6 - 2000

    4/6 - 5000

    5/6 - 9000

    6/6 - 13000

  9. Btw, looking at the Independence day SOTM, I tried to give the correct answer for all the questions, wanted to play it safe. Didnt realize the buzz in america was nonexistent and that there had been no critic screenings since I did it hastily at the last moment. Anyways if things do go on as they seem to be and a even slightly similar performance follows in other nations I might as well be able to get every single one of my answers wrong. Which would be downright embarrassing but oh so good! of course if even one of them ends up correct I'll be totally doomed.


    Still can't believe the sequel to a film that made 300m Dom and 800m WW in frickin' '96 may not even pass 150m Dom and 600 WW. Espcially after what JW achieved last year. I never expected an improvement like that but it should have atleast matched what its predecessor did 20 years ago!

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/23/2016 at 6:30 AM, chasmmi said:

    SOTM3  will continue next weekend not this one, just to give the semi finalists a break. 


    WIll try to get some marking done again over the weekend if not before. :)


    Gives some of you time to enter a song list :D


    But who are they and what are the bouts for the semi finals?

  11. 1) Will IDR open to more than $40M? Yes

    2) Will IDR open to more than $50M? 2000 Yes

    3) Will IDR open to more than $60M? NO

    4) Will Dory make more than $57.5M? YES

    5) Will Dory make more than $65M? YES

    6) Will Dory make more than $72.5M? YES

    7) Will IDR finish above Dory? 3000 NO


    8) Will Free State of Jones Finish above The Shallows? NO

    9) Will Neon Demon open in the top 7?  2000 NO

    10) Will Central Intelligence drop more than 50%? YES

    11) Will Warcraft stay above X-Men? YES

    12) Will Turtles stay above Alice? YES

    13) Will Me Before You have a PTA above $1150? 3000 YES

    14) Will Swiss Army Man have a PTA above $3,500? YES


    15) Will Angry Birds stay above Zootopia? 2000 NO

    16) Will NYSM2 stay in the top 8? YES

    17) Will The Conjuring finish above Neon Demon? YES

    18) Will Jungle Book Remain in the top 15? YES

    19) Will 3 new entries be in the top 4? 3000 NO

    20) Is Will Smith going to save the world this weekend? his blessings from heaven are upon us 




    15/20 - 2000

    16/20 - 4000

    17/20 - 6000

    18/20 - 9000

    19/20 - 12000

    20/20 - 15000


    Part 2 ~ The closest predictor for each question scores 5000 UOS


    1. What will Free State of Jones' OW be? 8M

    2. What will be the difference between IDR and FD's weekend totals? 30M

    3. What will Warcraft's percentage drop be? -60%



    Part 3 ~ predict which film finishes in the places given.  (2000 per film)




    7. NOW YOU SEE ME 2







    3/6 ~ 2000 points

    4/6 ~ 5000 points

    5/6 ~ 9000 points

    6/6 ~ 15000 points

  12. 15 hours ago, Infernus said:

    Aha!! @chasmmi Part 2 Q1 is 86.955 not 86.55. My answer was 87m. I win those 6000 points with record accuracy :lol: !!!!




    @chasmmiJust in case I gave the wrong impression - I am being serious here. The answer to Part 2 Q 2 really is 86.955 and not 86.55. And I did answer 87.

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