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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. Its Not about deserving. Its just that the movie is not exceptional - neither exceptionally good nor a landmark or cinematic achievement. Only exceptional films gross big and should gross big. And this is not my opinion for Gods sake. Just read the last para (along with the rest of it too) of this following post of mine -

    I think this is gonna make 170m atleast and possibly 200m after that. Still beating titanic or Avengers is the best one should hope for.

    Its impossible for this to beat Avatar because this is simply not as good or groundbreaking a film! I liked it but this is not good enough to become the highest grossing ever. This actually doesn't even deserve this much, not that deservings got anything to do with it. Out of the previous very big grossers Avatar was groundbreaking and a land mark achievment in visual effects. Titanic was a very good and easily moving and lovable movie that was also a achievment in visual effects and CGI. Avengers was a movie followed by mega-budgeted marketing (the previous MCU movies) and had the major novelty of having these loved heroes all together. It was also very good too. The Dark Knight was a very good film, with wondorous acting and the death of the best actor in the film. It was the best movie ever of the genre whose evn avg movies make a lot. The original Jurrasic Park was again a landmark achievement in visual effects. Plus pretty realistic and high-budgeted dinos for the first time which also gave it a major novelty factor. It was very good and widely loved too. E.T, Star Wars etc, etc all were actually exceptional movies. Yes shitty movies make quite a lot of money these days and JW is actually above avg and with nostalgia factor butits not exceptional and if it ends up becoming the highest grosser ever than i will finally lose all faith in people and their choices.

    Note - all that i wrote about films is the critics and experts and also, slightly, general audience's view not my personal so don't reply with such a comment as - well i didn't think avatar/titanic was any good or a cinematic achievment.

  2. urrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh I know he didn't mean a 200m second weekend, but he said 500m in 10 days which would have required a 200m 2nd weekend to happen, hence my 200m 2nd weekend post.

    Here is his original post

    'I'm stoked. If it does hit 400m on Thursday (a real long shot) then 500m in 10 days is in sight'

    now do you understand? I didn't seriously think he meant a 200m 2nd weekend, do you get that now?

    OMG!!! I never said that you actually believed he meant that. You ofcourse knew it was a typo. What i meant to say is that even through that typo, the post didnt mean a 200m second weekend. The comment said - "if it does 400m by thursday then 500m in 10 days". This goes on to mean that it would make 140m more by thursday and then 100m in the weekend !!

  3. So you mean 70 for each of the weekdays? Ha. Regardless, the other guy already admitted it was a typo and he meant 300/400.

    We already did knew that. We were just joking before the arguement started.

    Anyways even without the each wasn't it quite clear, already? Well what do i know, I have got an IQ of 141, maybe it wasn't clear for others :P

  4. I agree it's too early to bet on it taking down Avatar, but it's definitely no where near impossible...just extremely hard

    Plus, it's going to be close to 400m if not 375 at the end of this weekend. Do you think it's only going to make another 100-125m after a 85-110m weekend? That's less likely then actually beating Avatar

    I think this is gonna make 170m atleast and possibly 200m after that. Still beating titanic or Avengers is the best one should hope for.

    Its impossible for this to beat Avatar because this is simply not as good or groundbreaking a film! I liked it but this is not good enough to become the highest grossing ever. This actually doesn't even deserve this much, not that deservings got anything to do with it. Out of the previous very big grossers Avatar was groundbreaking and a land mark achievment in visual effects. Titanic was a very good and easily moving and lovable movie that was also a achievment in visual effects and CGI. Avengers was a movie followed by mega-budgeted marketing (the previous MCU movies) and had the major novelty of having these loved heroes all together. It was also very good too. The Dark Knight was a very good film, with wondorous acting and the death of that very actor. It was the best movie ever of the genre whose evn avg movies make a lot. The original Jurrasic Park was again a landmark achievement in visual effects. Plus pretty realistic and high-budgeted dinos for the first time which also gave it a major novelty factor. It was very good and widely loved too. E.T, Star Wars etc, etc allwere actually exceptional movies. Yes shitty movies make quite a lot of moneg these days and JW is actually above avg with nostalgia factor but if it ends up becoming the highest grosser ever than i will finally lose all faith in people and their choices.

    Note - all that i wrote about films is the critics and experts and also, slightly, general audience's view not my personal so don't reply with such a comment as - well i didn't think avatar/titanic was any good or cinematic achievment.

  5. Can't describe how unoriginal this film is. The only mildly interesting featute of the film is Chris Pratt. It is annoyingly similar to Godzilla which was also made by Legendary Pictures (unsurprisingly).

    Overall, a gross similar to Godzilla would not surprise me but I think audiences learnt their lesson from last year. It didn't help that Godzilla had bad reception so I believe this will gross less - especially in North America.

    Prediction: $140M in NA, $240M elsewhere (only because of China).

    WOW. Just wow.

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  6. Ok i was one if those heartily believing Ultron to be a disappointment and preaching the difference between flop and disappointment back then even though its numbers were huge. But there's no way in hell this monday number can be considered a disapppintment by any standards. Record breaking number by a movie expected to make half of this...how is this anything but super-extreme success?

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